I miss the VS Seeker. >.> I feel that in any mon game, but I think, after HG/SS, White might be the worst. They just require so much time. ._.
Eh. And that's all I'm going to say because you actually do like roflings. (I'm a heretic. : p)
Are you going to be trying your luck with any machine tokens you get from the monthly checklist? Or are you going to sell the tokens and just buy the potion?
I'm part corvidae. :> */terrible liar* Is she going to be all zen and relaxed as she kicks ass?
*/giddy* Are they going to meet?
Good, because I don't want to find out I whined that much. Yeah, I suppose they're cute. I should draw a fierce one for you some day. *cough, hack, not really going to happen, lazy wheeze*