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  1. Testing
    28th Nov 2024 19:31
    3 months, 5 days & 22 hrs ago
  2. Adolescenz
    17th Mar 2014 00:27
    10 years, 11 months & 18 days ago
10 years, 11 months & 18 days ago
17th Mar 2014 00:27

Hey there! So I've never done a pet giveaway and it looks like fun so I made a Toddler Mordo, potioned and costumed myself just for this giveaway! I'm a very laid back person so there will not be ANY rules to this only brownie point earners... now onto the +1's

Posting me a funny story, joke, picture
Posting the word "dahkness" anywhere in the text
Posting on here and keeping my Forum alive!
You can MM me but would prefer it stay on here for convenience i'm a busy busy man!
Now the details it will end on 3/20/14 because its a nice even number! You can apply for yourself or for a friend doesnt matter. You could even trade him to get your dream pet just tell me!! Most of all ENJOY!!!

Hello, my name is Wolfie and I'd like to apply for Adolescenz.

I'm 20 years old, been here since I was around 13 so I've been here for quite some time. Toddler and Baby pets have been my favorite for a long time, my current dream pet is a Baby Sindi, but I don't think you could ever have enough toddler/baby pets haha ;3

Not only is he adorable but I like how the name sort of matches the costume, it's cute ^_^

I noticed you get a point for a funny story etc, I hope videos count. I found this a few days a go and I can't stop watching it(Oh, volume warning by the way haha);

Anyway, that's about it. I'd take good care of Adolescenz and I'd love for him to join my marafamily. I'm always working on their stats, gourmets etc. Thanks for this opportunity, it's lovely of you

P.s dahkness
110 years, 11 months & 15 days ago 20th Mar 2014 09:16
"Are you ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah, we don't have a choice."

After seeing the determined look in her eye I turned back to the soul sucking dahkness. My wife embraced it while I on the other hand was a little more reserved. But as it reached to embrace me I gave in. It pulled us into its lair and the feeling of being a caged animal overwhelmed me.

"So what is it you wanted? I know you would never come here otherwise," the Dahkness asked with a raspy voice.

" take her hand in marriage." I stuttered.

It pondered that for a second. The temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees. Finally it answered.

"Yes, you may marry her."

Just like that we were dismissed as the Dahkness turned and left the room. As soon as she was out of sight we rushed out the door. Once outside the lair I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are we really going to have the Dahkness, I mean your mother, to the wedding?"

"Unfortunately, yes." she replied with a resigned frown.

Thanks for reading!
110 years, 11 months & 16 days ago 19th Mar 2014 16:01
Hello. I'd like to adopt Adolescenz. I've been playing Marapets for about 8 years, and Mordos have been my dream pet for a long time.

Here's a joke:

I called the ISPCA today and said, "I've just found a suitcase in the woods containing a fox and four cubs."
"That's terrible," the woman on the phone replied. "Are they moving?"
"I'm not sure, to be honest," I said, "But that would explain the suitcase."

110 years, 11 months & 16 days ago 19th Mar 2014 16:00
Hi, I'd like to apply for my friend sirmarapets.

He's super new to marapets and he loves mordos
He's interested in statting up his pets and such.
So totally me ^^^

Thank you for reading, have a great day or night
110 years, 11 months & 16 days ago 18th Mar 2014 23:05
Whomever you choose will be super lucky, and you are oh so kind to be giving away such a pet. c:

Here's a photo along with a story relating xD
When I was little my mum literally had to hold me in her lap so I wouldn't blow out my siblings' candles. Up until one year though, they used trick candles and those made me both scream and cry. BUT I never blew out the candles again. xD

Another time, I was scared of the dahkness ( ) and I'd always run into my brother's room at night. One time he was so fed up with me always waking up he made a little monster looking thing (i was like three so i fell for it) and I never went into his room again.

Wow looking at those two stories, my family seems kinda awful. I swear they're great. D;

Anyway, Adolescenz is just so cute and on the top of my wants list and getting him would honestly make me so happy. But either way, best of luck to everyone else too! c:
Thank you again for being so generous and so sweet for giving this opportunity.
110 years, 11 months & 16 days ago 18th Mar 2014 20:09
soooo hey there.
i'm so bad at these, and i didn't capitalize my first letter so i'm just going to commit to the no capitalization thing.


i wasn't sure where else to put that
i mean, what context can that word be used in?

i want adolescenz because i have like 10 pet goals, and i'd like to use him to trade.

look at this picture:

she's so proud of her jacket

idk what else to say
okay thanks for the opportunity
(oh haha i just glanced at the app below this, and saw "tuna" and my mind automatically pronounced "opportunity" as "opportunaty" lol )
110 years, 11 months & 16 days ago 18th Mar 2014 19:56
I'm just gonna cut to the chase here.. I'd love to have Adolescenz. I'm not a fan of many mordo costumes, but the toddler one is definitely one of my favorites. I'd most likely trade him after a while, in all honesty. But having an LE to trade would definitely help me in achieving my pet goals, and I'd really appreciate it!
Oh, and Dahkness

What kind of fish is made up of only two Sodium atoms?

Funny Bird;

Emporer's New Groove humor;

Lol guy wearing yoga pants, it's funny doe I swear;

Pokemon humor;

110 years, 11 months & 17 days ago 18th Mar 2014 10:18
DAHKNES FOREVUH (I wanted to start off strong)

I would love to have Adolescenz! He is super cute, first of all. Kudos, sir. But I cannot tell a lie, I would trade him to try and get another LE pet. I have a Tasi, and I recently bought an enchanted Ercuw plushie, but I want to make a bug army with all 12 of the pets that can currently wear the costume, and I am rapidly running out of mp and have a long way to go! I've got 5 costumes so far, and need 7 more... so this journey is just a monster and I don't know why I'm doing it to myself but I'm hopeful! I hope I could trade lil adorable Adolescenz for an LE I need to help me get my dream pets.

An unrelated story: After class yesterday I went up to my college professor to ask him about an assignment and HE HAD MARAPETS UP I SAW IT FOR A SECOND BEFORE HE CLOSED IT REALLY FAST THIS IS NOT A DRILL IT WAS LEGIT. So. He doesn't know it yet but we're going to best friends.

And I will share with you my favorite joke because it's so bad its good:

What's brown and sticky?
A stick


Also if you're in the mood for some good laughs youtube 'Poptart Tragedy' and 'Ghost in the Stalls.' I promise. Quality entertainment.

Thank you so much for this opportunity, and keep the dahkness alive
110 years, 11 months & 17 days ago 17th Mar 2014 23:44
Hello! I'm called Saint and I'm very interested in your adorable Adolescenz.

I've never owned an LE pet before, and I'd very much like to. I'll admit that if I did happen to deserve Adolescenz I would most likely trade him for my dream pet.

A funny story? Hmmm...well, one day, when I was younger, I lived with my cousins, and there was this abandoned house across the street from ours. Since we lived in the country, it wasn't very unusual. At the time we were totally obsessed with horror, and we decided to explore the house for ghosts (silly kids! We brought flashlights and water bottles and a video camera and everything. When we walked into the house, there was a constant thumping noise in the dahkness that scared the living daylights out of us! Turns out it was just a bird trapped in a closet in the house hahaha.

Also, two men walked into a bar. The third one ducked!

Best of luck to all of the other contestants!
110 years, 11 months & 17 days ago 17th Mar 2014 20:05
I'd like to start off by introducing myself. My name is Sophie, I'm 16(almost 17), from the U.S.A and a barrel racer! I'm a born and raised farm girl, I love animals especially horses. I'm blessed to be able to ride mine everyday. I've been playing Marapets for 5 years as of this coming June.

Also, your Pucu Freedumb is AWESOME. Love how the name matches the cossie.

Ehem, now, onto why I would like to become the new owner of Adolescenz. My goal is to own every cossied Pucu on marapets! I have 11 Pucus so far but my search is FAR from over! I've run out of pets to trade for Pucus and I don't have enough mp to buy more Pucu potions at this time. So, Adolescenz would help me greatly in coming to own another Pucu!

Thank you for this amazing opportunity, I could go on and on but tried to keep it short and sweet with a tiny bit of dahkness (;

110 years, 11 months & 18 days ago 17th Mar 2014 17:47
  1. Testing
    28th Nov 2024 19:31
    3 months, 5 days & 22 hrs ago
  2. Adolescenz
    17th Mar 2014 00:27
    10 years, 11 months & 18 days ago