I am depressed. Buy me stuff and tell me I'm pretty. :3
~ My name is Noél.
~ I love music! Especially rock and metal. I'll listen to anything if it sounds good! My favorite band is The Offspring.
~ I love animals! Especially cats, dogs, and all those irresistible Disney characters.
~ I love sci-fi and fantasy books/games/tv/movies.
~ What do I do online? Marapets and Reddit mostly to be honest.
~ I never mail/maratalk people to randomly chat so if you want to talk to me you have to initiate it. Sorry, but I otherwise will never talk to you unless it's on the forums.
~ I have a brain injury and forget things. A LOT. So please don't think that I'm ignoring you if we talked once and then I dropped off the planet.
Using them on Ariallea, the plushie quell. Hoping for Neon, Gothic, or Fire.
1-6. - Nothing. 7. Your pet changed colour to a halloween Quell. 8. Your pet changed colour to a white Quell. 9. nothing. 10. Your pet changed colour to a green Quell. 11. nothing. 12. Your pet changed colour to a neon Quell.
OMG OMG OMG I just died!!! xD
Furux the princess chibs
30-40 random concoctions changed color to fairy.
Shabbie the snow chibs 45 RCs Your pet changed colour to a brown Chibs. 41 RCs Nothing. 3 CCs Your pet changed colour to a grey Chibs. 6 CCs Nothing. 21 RCs Your pet changed colour to a seasonal Chibs.
Miyune the blue chibs 56 RCs Your pet changed colour to a brown Chibs. 22 RCs Nothing. 1 CC Your pet changed colour to a headless chibs. 4 CC Your pet changed colour to a pink Chibs. 7 RC Nothing. 2 CC Nothing. 100 RC Your pet changed colour to a red Chibs. 2 CC Nothing. 6 RC Your pet changed colour to a valentine Chibs.
Roji the underwater quell 4 CCs Nothing. 50 RCs Your pet changed colour to a angel Quell.
Sahie the chibs
15 CCs. Changed color to minipet.
Argenna the ice cream figaro
20 CCs Changed color to rainbow.
Vecklor the burnt chibs
10 CCs Your pet changed colour to a seasonal Chibs.
Sanshou the princess chibs
5 CCs
Changed color to Monster.
13 CCs
Changed color to Fairy.
Mheowy the purple figaro
1 CC
Changed color to Baby.
Mieloh the black figaro
2 CCs
Changed color to Eleka. Changed color to Earthfairy.
Thanks for buying!
110 years, 11 months & 19 days ago 26th Jan 2014 10:11
YES!!! She is so cute with Neon! Congrats, so glad you got what you wanted!!!
110 years, 11 months & 19 days ago 26th Jan 2014 09:55