Musical Avatar Lending
12 years, 2 months & 8 days ago
6th Nov 2012 20:24 Kuppa has reached his ultimate goal of learning all 550 music instruments. As such, i am ready to start lending him out for musical avatars. He currently costs 559,120MP to accept one way, and i am requesting an additional 500k tip for a total cost of approximately 1,618,240 MP*.
If interested, please send me a MM regarding this topic and a CE totaling 1,059,120MP (to cover return transfer and gratuity) must be sent BEFORE pet exchange will be sent.
You must first post here and then maramail me a message stating that you are only borrowing my pet to get the avatars and will return it fully intact.
*Price is subject to change as Kuppa is continually being trained. The exact math will be recalculated for you prior to any exchange taking place.