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    17th Mar 2012 13:18
    12 years, 9 months & 29 days ago
  2. ALL LE's ever owned...
    4th Mar 2011 13:14
    13 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
12 years, 9 months & 29 days ago
17th Mar 2012 13:18

Given out so far:
MournfulRose- 1 mil mp
cupcakesprinke- 1 mil mp
maxgal- Pink Cossie
hottgreendolphin- Brown cossie
RandomMarapet- British Costume
Tempt- Werewolf Costume
Amanda4433- webcam giftbox

[edit] I have enough takers on the potions everyone... so no more appning for the sybri or snookle potions after poetkitty!! Smile
MP APP: app for mp here too please. Its taking too long for another blog to be created.
You can app for 1 mil at the most... have 7 slots open.

No sob stories.
Please use correct grammar.

Give some good reasons and talk yourself up so I know you know you're worth anything XD

Please make your app thorough.

You cannot app for anything else if you are apping for mp.
And put the word banana at the end of your comment so i know you read all this.

App for only ONE item. Choose wisely.

NO sob stories. I hate them...

Give good reasons why you deserve it. What you plan to do.
Or what you plan to trade or get from it.

Please post what you want on the top of your comment, with two exclamation points after it so I know you read all this.

1mill mp!!

I would like to app for some mp because, well, it's mp. Haha. I'm saving up for a Ercuw potion, and this plus what I have now would put me like 1/3 of the way! I've been restocking and reselling, which is how i've gotten this far, but it'd certainly be easier if I got a little boost. If I got the Ercuw potion I would make an Ercuw out Rhamzey, who I created and is now my battle pet that i'm training. So anyways, I should end here. Thank you for reading!

Btw, BANANA!!!!
112 years, 9 months & 24 days ago 22nd Mar 2012 15:51

Hello, I am Jazmine. I am applying for Emzl. (If you didn't already know that! I am and experienced player who has been on here for many months. I would really love Emzl for a few reasons. My first reason is to keep. I've ever only had one other LE than my Daisy I have right now, and I traded that LE (who was a Gizmo) for my current Daisy. My second purpose for Emzl will be trading. If I stop being attached to Emzl, I will trade off for a new pet. If I trade Emzl, I plan to trade for a Chibs, Sidni, or possibly even a Vixen. I deserve Emzl because I am a trustworthy player and will keep any promises I made here in my app.

Anyways, thanks for your time reading this, and I wish you luck on giving away everything and in real life!
112 years, 9 months & 24 days ago 22nd Mar 2012 15:44
Hi I am hockey, and I am apping for 1mil mp. I am a new player, and I have a dream to have a popular avatar lending business on here, but I don't have much money. I really need some money so I can buy all the rare items that are used for avatars!! I really want the money because I am going to use it towards my marabusiness dream!!
Thanks for your time
112 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 21st Mar 2012 18:09
Yellow Oglue Potion!!

Hey I am Isaac. I read where it says no more potions, but i don't know if this doesn't count cuz you said sybri and snookle, so.... here I go

I think I deserve it because ive done so much to help society. I give out expensive items for free all of the time, including Photos, slates, hieroglyphs, costumes etc.
What do I plan to do with this potion? I plan to make a pet with create a pet, use the potion, get the pet very statted up, and keep it as a battle pet for the next war (in which i will be joining the light side ). NO I will NOT trade it!... unless over offered of course I might use a costume on it, but that is all. Of course if you get back on some day, you can mm me. I will probably give it back.

sorry if it is too long, my bad Please MM me regardless to whether you like it or not. I want to know your opinion
112 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 21st Mar 2012 16:10
Hello I am Savannah. I am applying for the werewolf costume.
I would just love to have my mordo Mis_Fitz be a werewolf. It would make her even cooler than she is now. I am working really hard on her stats and want to make her the best pet ever and I think that costume will help. I wish you the best of luck on your give away. Thank you
112 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 21st Mar 2012 16:08

I thank you for the item[s] I do not really have a wish to claim any of your other items just to take part in this blog A am quite happy with what I have and could always use more but not picky and would have left it up to the giver to decide what they wanted to do Today is my 28th Birthday and you made me smile! As far as deserving anything...I only deserve what I worked so hard to get that I already have and wouldn't have a plan on any other future items except to add them to my collection should I find them. I don't sell items unless I have more than 1. They either go in Collections and/or the Gallery. Thanks again.

PS I read it all
112 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 21st Mar 2012 15:39
1 million MP!!
Heyy, I'd love to have 1 million MP (: Ever since I started Mara, I wanted a rofling. So I decided to take a stab at referrals. Didn't really work out because I only got 4 so far hahaha. Anyways, I have some money saved up in the bank that is all going toward getting my rofling potion. I'm gonna turn Pey into a rofling. I just know he'll be a gnome rofling some day.

If you can't give me 1 million MP, I'm totally cool with it. You have a lot of people apping for it so it must be hard to choose. But I hope you can visit Mara sometime because we'll miss you (: Good luck choosing and may I wish you the best in the future.

112 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 21st Mar 2012 13:55
1 million mp!!
I want one million mp because then I could sell and auction and trade things to earn more and more money then I could try to do a pet trade for my dream pet chibs!

Bananas are my favorite snack! (which is true) I <3 BANANAS!!
112 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 20th Mar 2012 13:52
Hi, my name is kerrie, I'm applying for your detective costume. Reason:
I am currently trying to get a tasi, so if I win the detective costume, I would sell it for a Cotton Candy costume. I made this Signature hoping it would boost my chances of winning your costume:
Also If we are allowed to apply for the 1 millions mps, I would happily apply.
I am applying for one million mps, cause I am currently running a club, it is going great so far, but I have no mps at the moment, and receiving your one millions mps would make me over the moon, I hope this poem can explain why I'd love your mp.
I would like,
To have lots of money,
To win your costume also,
Do I sound like a dummy?
I would like,
To be so rich,
I have never had 1 million,
I am not a whitch.
I would like,
To have the best club ever,
You mp would help me a lot.
I hope I'm being clever.
I would like,
To have my dream pet,
Cotton candy tasi it is,
This I do not regret.
I would like,
For you to give me,
A chance I will never get again,
I hope you can see.
I would like,
For you to believe me,
When I say;
'Chose me'.
I hope you like my poem, and I also hope it's not too late to apply!
All my love;

112 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 20th Mar 2012 05:23
Yellow Oglue Potion!!

Hey ThisIsScary; do you remember me? We were friends, or maybe we just saw each other a lot around the forums? Well, I really hope you have a good life (cheesy, I know); I would ask for the Yellow Oglue so Potion because I've been wanting to turn my favorite pet (Raglann) into some sort of LE!

Sorry this is longer then you want...

Lucks to you!
112 years, 9 months & 27 days ago 19th Mar 2012 18:42
    17th Mar 2012 13:18
    12 years, 9 months & 29 days ago
  2. ALL LE's ever owned...
    4th Mar 2011 13:14
    13 years, 10 months & 12 days ago