Friend Request?: Sure add me :D
MT or MM?: sure I love to talk or if you need help?
Pets?: not for trade unless I state otherwise.
Gallery: if you need ANYTHING for missions and I have it, send a MM or MT. How ever I would need to be reinburst.
I love to draw! If you want to see any of my art please MM me! Im an adult player I'm 22 c: I love maramails! I really do ask me anything and I'll help c8 I join marapets back in 2000 had my first account banned my accident I forgot I had a 2nd account rejoined in 2002
I love to rp shoot me up a message for 1x1 or group!
I love making friends ; D I don't bite heheh
Pets never for trade
Items in gallery maybe depends on the price
Club nah I have my own but your welcome to join xD
Maramail anytime
Friends anytime
Flutter Fairies are from the planet Fealasha (pronounced FA-LAE-SHA) They came to earth in hope of finding families they are about adult sized but considered the most beautiful fairies in the land. Now they are coming to grant your wishes to come true. Their are two types of Flutters Female and Male (breeding maybe soon dont know yet) Watch the skies they will be coming.
Valentena Flutter ~ Awaiting True Love
I'm interested ^^ Mail me when you've made some
113 years, 8 months & 10 days ago 18th Apr 2011 04:09