Hey, it???s Ellie (yet again). (:
I hope you don???t mind if I post another application. This time, I would like to app for Array. I know Array is quite popular amongst the other Maradans, but I would like to try anyways.
I have no idea whether you read my other application or not, so I???ll reiterate just in case. I love real words and real named pets. They???re pretty awesome (and hard to come by). I am currently the proud owner of two (Arsonist and Cordially) and I would love to add to this mini collection of mine.
Array is a wonderful word. Not only is thought of a stunning collection of flowers lovely, but it also makes me think of a ray. Rays are either rays of light, which provide warmth and color in our darkened world, or rays as in a portion of a line that starts from a point and continues on infinitely (yes, I???m a geometry nerd). Basically, Array is pretty amazing. While at first one may not notice the subtle beauty, over time, the word grows on you. Array flows swiftly and softly from the tongue and ends in the smooth ???ay??? sound???. Sorry for the poetic-y jargon, I love creative writing.
Anyways, mordos are one of my favorite specie of pets of mara. I would not call them my favorite, but they are definitely up there. Mutant mordos definitely have one of the best costumes, so I would not dream of recostuming her. I would, however, continue to stat her up as I am doing for my other pets. I would like to get many Olympic points to finally get a Figaro potion for one of my pets (white, preferably).
Basically, Array is already a perfect pet. Anybody would be very lucky to become the new owner of such a nice pet, myself included. Thank you so much for your consideration. Best of luck choosing the rest of the new owners. (: