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  1. 5mil Finalists app blog
    1st Jan 2011 16:50
    13 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  2. Apps for 5mill mp giveaway
    31st Dec 2010 15:07
    13 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  3. Apps for LE'S
    31st Dec 2010 14:46
    13 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  4. Tanning Salon Tickets
    29th Sep 2010 19:31
    14 years & 3 months ago
  5. My Dream Pets
    19th Sep 2010 01:24
    14 years, 3 months & 10 days ago
5mil Finalists app blog
13 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
1st Jan 2011 16:50

App for your life!

I'm at that point right now and unfortunately it's really bumming me out.

I don't want to win this mp because you feel sympathetic towards me I'm sure the people you have picked are for a very good reason and I'm thinking you will pick the person who truly deserves it..
113 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 2nd Jan 2011 12:45
them. I have worked very hard for the past couple of years building up my mp. I once was sitting on about 27 mill and was quickly crushed down to close to nothing now and only 4 pieces away from completing the map set. If you knew me I can only work on getting so much mp at a time before I start getting bored and more or less unfocused on my goal.
113 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 2nd Jan 2011 12:43
Hello again I am one of the AWESOME finalists that you have selected to send.

I just want you to know that I may be commenting more than once on here. Apparently I can only type so much text in these boxes but I assure you it's still one app.

A recap I apped for the now 4 mill (possibly 100K) was because I am on a suicide mission to get the Simerian Explorer Map pieces and am in dire need of...
113 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 2nd Jan 2011 12:40
Hey its me again!
First I just wanna say thanks for picking me as one of the many finalists! Never thought I would of been chosen haha.
Right so just to recap what i want the mp you're giving...
Most probably buy a Valentine+ Angel wig and a ruffled Dress and anything else I like xD

So...Well you already know some things about me like i collcect clothes, i'm 14, my names katie.
I also love the pricecheck, selling + buying forum... I love music, movies (Mostly Horror+Comedy) I also love hanging out with my friends in town, at home and at school (:

So I'm not very good at making long 2nd apps D; Since idk what else to write :/ Errrr I think its very generous to be giving away like all of your money.. Unless you got some in the bank
I also wanna say Goodluck to all the other people that are finalists i bet there apps are great unlike my boring old thing haha...

Just skimmed through someones app bet they're gonna win they have so much to say but I just dont have a brain to think like them? Does that even make sense? Err nvm...

Well I'm just rambling on about nothing.. so I think Imma stop here
Goodluck choosing between so many peeps have a great new year and thanks!

Katie x

113 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 2nd Jan 2011 09:22
BTW Mafeya, My Vampire tasi army shall take over mara
113 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 2nd Jan 2011 07:16
Here is a story/poem/w/e about de flamingo:
There was a flamingo who had really sexy legs that made everyone go So the flamingo decided to use the legs and pole dance. Then Kate came along and she was OMFG NOOOOOOOO YOU HAVE SEXIER LEGS THAN MEEEE
But then they became great friends are were known as the sexy leg duo worldwide <33333
113 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 2nd Jan 2011 07:13
CRAAPPERS. Didnt mean to post that. I was looking for something random to say and accidently hit enter
So dis is part 2 of meh appeth KK?
now where were we...
Oh yah a new topic. Umm...
I am surfing the charts for random lyrics to say but I'm worried you wont like the song and Itll ruin my chances

KK But...





KK....So yah I'm done with lyrics now whatt...Hum...

Would you like to hear a story about a flamingo w/ sexy legs?
Course you would!
KK So there was this really cool pink flamingo and I bought her and took her home then looked at her legs and was like OMIIIIGOOOOSH tey are vair vair sexy...THEN the flamingo became a pole dancer!

Based on a true story


Yahh the price for tickets to her show are giving me the 4mill MP...Trust me hun its worth itXDDDDD

OK, I hope I didnt go OTT with crazeh cos this is what I'm like in my club chat but they get used to it and have PDL and youuu should toooo<3

Love, The Purple Devilll
113 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 2nd Jan 2011 07:03
Haaaaai Again <333
i am on this list and im awesome and so are YOUUUUU for making me a finalist! Heres some Love for you from the purple devil-<333333
Has I infected you w/ PDL? /Hopes
Anyway so yah, Thanks for the honor of this <33333 Teh Purple Devil is vair vair Happy<3333
Wanna hear about my life in La La Land? Course you do. =D
It is very pretty and colourful
We have mad fests and If you give me the MP we will have a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE ONE DEDICATED TO YOUUUU<3333 Imagine that! A madfest dedicated to you and all you have to do is give me the mp /flutters eyelashes
I guess you can tell with apps I just post w/e comes to mind. And most of the time its random crap but hey, I has a reputation to keep, heheh<333 You want long apps? I can do them but they will be nonsencial (Is that even a word? =P) and CRAZEHHHHH! Anyway so yah back to La La Land. Its so fun! You should come visit some tiime! Only super crazy epic people can get in, which I hope you aaaaaare! BTW, HAPPY NEW YEEEEEEEAR! You'd make mine amazing if you give me teh MPsies /puppy dog eyes

It would be really amazing, tho. I have never won that much before
Usually I'm just too lazy too app, But I just wanted to give back to some people who have been amazing on my mara journey<333
Now...what Should I talk about...

KK How about...

113 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 2nd Jan 2011 06:56
Bonjour! Ciao! Ha ha, figured I might as well say hello in a different way. First off, I am honoured to be chosen to be a finalist. This hasn't happened for a long time, since my applications have...well, decreased in quality. xD

4 million is still a whole crap-load of money, so I really don't feel any less driven to apply for this or not. SO IN THIS APPLICATION, I WILL BORE YOU WITH MY INTERESTS, DISLIKES, AND THINGS I DO.

I may be less or more serious. Who knows...I'm in a serious mood tonight. Probably because I just finished playing Clue.

I accused Mr. Green, in the library, with a rope! And I won. xD


I have played mara for 38 months. Long time, eh? Yeah, I would have a bit more better pets, but I strive for W/N pets, and I mostly roleplay here anyway. In real life, I live in Alberta, Canada. I have 4 pets, two dogs, two cats. One of them died recently while I was on vacation, but now is not the time to sadden you with.....sad...ness. 0.o

IN MORE DETAIL, with 4 million, I will use the majority of it on Rakeea, in memory of my favorite video-game character, Reika, from Fatal Frame 3. She has quite a tragic, yet most interesting life story. You should google her.

ANYWAY, another portion of this crap-load of money will be used on statting Zylark to 100. Yet again, in memory of a favorite BOOK character. Ish. His name is actually Kylar, but the name reminds me of that one. SO.

I play Piano, Guitar, Cello, Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone, and violin. I love music. Ha ha. I also love watercolor painting, and Chinese Ink painting. BUT YOU DON'T CARE.

Crap, I think I insulted you. 0.o Saying you don't care. Maybe you do. Who knows? Maybe you're a really affectionate person. But whatever. xD

Now, time to get serious. If I do actually have any MP left over after statting, temple, etc...I am going to be turning Promesso fire. Promesso is 'Promise' in Italian. And that one word, I believe, is very important. A promise is not to be made lightly. With every promise I make, I think about it. I promised myself to make Promesso fire. Fire quells are beautiful. =]

So, good luck choosing! I promise that I spent quite a bit of time on this app. I also promise, that I won't waste this 4 million. It's a lot of MP. Ha ha.



113 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 1st Jan 2011 22:28
Dixie is a pixie
Trixie is a Dixie Chicksie
that is why she wants a Vixie
But what Trixie doesn't know
Is that Dixie likes Edgar Allan Poe!
And Edgar Allan Poe wins, so who gets the Vixie?

I'm sorry these make no sense, but you asked for humor sooo...

Here's the real stuff..

JK there is no real stuff.
My favorite is the Splice one. I fell on the floor laughing when I made that one.
113 years, 11 months & 25 days ago 1st Jan 2011 20:15
  1. 5mil Finalists app blog
    1st Jan 2011 16:50
    13 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  2. Apps for 5mill mp giveaway
    31st Dec 2010 15:07
    13 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  3. Apps for LE'S
    31st Dec 2010 14:46
    13 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  4. Tanning Salon Tickets
    29th Sep 2010 19:31
    14 years & 3 months ago
  5. My Dream Pets
    19th Sep 2010 01:24
    14 years, 3 months & 10 days ago