17 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
15th Sep 2007 22:17 Rich Lawz...
Ask for items-ask for mp-ask for pets-Get yourself reported.
I accept maramail-at any time! i like makin friends-but begging, bragging, coming from nowhere and ordering me to get u things will only get u heavily insulted and blockd.
No thanks. My clubs the best
Money is easy to get-play games, do quest, buy, restock-Dont Beg
Mail sent to me in case you r confused abt something or need help are always read and replied.
Why did u act so rude and block me?: You talked or begged abt pointless things. I refused Politely. U gave me the Attitude. I got mad. U got insulted and then blocked. Simple
*Mailing me w/o following these laws will be delt with*