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  1. Giving 1 million MP, and SOME pets.
    28th Mar 2012 18:54
    12 years & 9 months ago
  2. 1 Million MP, Bath, and Regular Giveaway. Y3333
    28th Mar 2012 18:32
    12 years & 9 months ago
    5th Dec 2010 08:03
    14 years & 23 days ago
  4. Legend of the Seekers Siggies
    16th Feb 2010 09:11
    14 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
    19th Jan 2010 19:55
    14 years, 11 months & 8 days ago
  6. About Shout and the Chibs Potion...
    18th Jan 2010 09:38
    14 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
    27th Jul 2009 20:28
    15 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
    13th Jun 2009 08:07
    15 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
    13th Jun 2009 07:59
    15 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
14 years & 23 days ago
5th Dec 2010 08:03

Bath, Pledges, and Regular! And maybe some things in my gallery!!!! I have too much going on in my life right now, and have no more time left for Marapets. The people I have met on here, well... MOST have been absolutely amazing. I will miss all my friends. Following are the statistics and details of the giveaway:

I am giving:
570,173 MP (TO ONE PERSON)
Bath the Royal Tantua
Pledges the Minipet Dakota
Promises the Lightfairy Lati
Regular the Gothic Zetlian
Sing the Red Crindol
Wisps the Angel Poera
sugar the Halloween Ideus
Trailer Costume

For the record, those are ALL REAL WORDS, common too. With the exception of sugar, THEY ARE ALL CAPITALIZED. Therefore, although some are non-le, I expect nice applications please. I offered a lot to get some of these pets, and I don't want them going to irresponsible users who don't know what to do with them. In your application for a pet, please state:
Why you want the pet
What you would do with the pet (be honest, I don't mind if you trade for something good)
Why the name strikes you

For the MP, please state in your application the following:
Why you want it
What you would do with it
And anything else you find important

THE TRAILER COSTUME IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT PART OF THE GIVEAWAY. DO NOT APPLY FOR THE COSTUME. Here's how it works: I'm going to do one of those number guessy things between 1-3000. Now I know that seems like a lot, but the first person within 25 of the number gets the costume! If you guess the EXACT number before someone guesses within 25, I'll let you have ANY one of the pets I'm giving away for FREE, without an application, as well as the costume. Only ONE number guess per post.

HOWEVER, YOU MAY ONLY APPLY FOR ONE THING. IF YOU APPLY FOR A PET, YOU MAY NOT APPLY FOR THE MP TOO, OR ANOTHER PET. The contest is separate and does not count as an application.

If you start to annoy me, I will disqualify you. NO MAILING ME. Post your applications on the blog, and you can guess numbers and chat here.

If you read all the way down here, put 'I sincerely enjoy candy corn' at the top of your application.

I don't know when this will end, but I wish you all luck! Thanks guys!

I sincerely enjoy candy corn. App for sugar
>Why I would like sugar
>What I would do with sugar
Hello, I May, but most people call me Baldy [I used to be baldy befor I put on this Sxc cossie ] I???m just going to give you a little bit of info about me, just to let you into my mara life ???. Well I have been playing mara for about 4-5 years now, and still as loyal as the day I started. I have made many good friends that have helped me on my way, and in return I have give a few things away [viottios, zooshs,+ chibs. Some of my gallery], and I love the feeling of giving something. My fave pet is a sindi, I just love the fact that it???s a bunny, but in a cool way.

I would love to be the new owner of sugar, I have been looking for a R/W [but also a cute name]. Also I think people would drool over sugar. I don???t realy mind that sugar isn???t capitalized, It is still a very good name.

What I would do with sugar???. Well seeming as sindis are my favourite pets I think I might turn sugar into a sindi and costume cotton candy, just to link the name and the pet together. I would stat, like I have with syk, but I would not give up on sugar. Also I have 3mill that I???m willing to spend on learnies to equiept. Will I tade???? I would only trade sugar for a fairgo or I 100+ statted wizard/fairy sindi. So most likely nt going to trade.

I realy do love sugar, and I know many other people do to, and it will b greatly hard to pick. But whomever you decide to pick, they will be a great owner.
Thankyou for giving these lovely pets. Good luck
Love May
114 years & 23 days ago 5th Dec 2010 11:11
I'd use it for the temple. I'm changing my Nytee to a Roffling. :3 My favorite pet. I'm also statting Nytee and my other pets. (You can check if you'd like.)
114 years & 23 days ago 5th Dec 2010 10:48
I sincerely enjoy candy corn :]
its halloween in one bite.
number guess; 999

Im applying for Bath the Royal Tantua. First off cute name, reminds me of grade 6 when we had this concert and we sang 'a-rub dub, just relaxing in my tub,' hah.

Well my plans for Bath is to first off make Ian promote a Bath costume or something like that. If not i'm thinking about turning Bath into a Underwater Dakota, so cute :]

I can't promise in not trading him, because at some point it will prob happen but I can say that I wont trade right away, as I dislike trading pets.

Gl in the real word and giving away your stuff, thanks for the chance. Good luck everyone!

** Ps; i'd prob take some photos of Bath and put them into my photo album :]
114 years & 23 days ago 5th Dec 2010 10:47
Hello!I sincerely love candy corn!
I am applyig for Pledges.
Why?Because,i joined over two years ago,and last month i just barely got a Daisy.I am trying to reach my goal,i am trying to get a Dakota-Chibs-or Lati.
What will i do with Pledges if i got the chance to get Pledges?\
I will stat Pledges,put books on her,Cds,and weapons,so she will be worth more.
I just love the name Pledges,you named her very well,and its a real name.Congratulations for getting this far,and i thinkyou are very sincere about being honest,thanks for the chance,

114 years & 23 days ago 5th Dec 2010 10:45
I sincerely enjoy candy corn
I really do (;
But anyways I'm apping for the darling Promises. It was kinda hard to decide because all the pet names are REAL. And I'm not just apping for Promises because she is a Lati. I just LOVE that name. I really don't know why, but for some reason it just made me app.

So on to the REAL app, we go!

Promises, What am I going to do with her you are asking? Well, I could do alot. But I will probably put her in the Temple when my pet brenham comes out. I'd stat her up a bit and put weapons and books and cds with her. That way she will cost ALOT more. I might trade her for a chibs then. But that won't be till a while. PLUS, I have another Lati. Which I'm kinda wanting to start a collection. But I wil have to win this to start that. (:
I'm not sure if you like poems, or such things. But I kinda feel the need to write something. Besides this. Haha! ;D
So I'm just keep on writing. I would REALLY appreciate this if you gave me Promises. Everyone would be loving her.
Oh and I joined Mara 2 years ago, and I work hard for everything.

Thank you!!!!!

114 years & 23 days ago 5th Dec 2010 10:18
I sincerely enjoy candy corn
Who/What I am applying for: Promises the Ligtfairy Lati
A little about me: Hi my name is Lauri i am 13 years old and live in California! I have two sisters and devorced parents. No brothers. I also have two dogs that are brothers. And I have Touretts Syndrome. We had room mates at my moms house and the youngest introduced me to MaraPets.
Why I want Promises: To me promises is like the like of the living awesome. I love this particular LE, everyone else likes chibs and what not but they dont exactly appeal to me. I think its because I dont lie cats. They can be cute but BOTH my parents are illergictsorry if i didnt spell that right) to them. The name "Promises" appeals to me because it reminds me of well...ME! I make lots of promises and I kepp them ALL. There is only 1 promise I have broken. Thats to break a promise and I think thats a good promise to break if you were to break one. Heres a little somthin' for ya:
P perfect
R reflecting
O outstanding
M magical
I in everyway perfect
S sensible
E extra adorable!
S sweet
If your reading all the way down here I appreciate that, most people just read parts that stick out. When I have people app I just delete the ones that dont have what you are supposed to say if you read the rules ect. at the top. If they cant take the time to read a few paragraphs then why do i have to read theirs? I want this pet because it is my favorite LE pet and its soooo pretty. I would try my best to stat promises. Sometimes I forget a task then I end up not doing it. But it doesnt hapen to much anymore. The peom that I wrote tells all why the name strikes me! :] Thank you for reading ~Lauri
114 years & 23 days ago 5th Dec 2010 09:11
I Sincerely Enjoy Candy Corn;

I Really Don't, It Just Has An Odd Taste To Me Dx

But Anyways, Let Me Get To The Point.

I Would Like To Be The New Owner Of Promises, Your Lati. As Soon As I Saw The Name, I Was Like:
The Name Is Gorgeous And Light Fairy Is The Cutest Costume On A Lati In My Opinion. I'm Not Going To Give You All That "OMG I'll Never Ever Trade It And I'll Feed It And Play With It EVERYDAY" Junk. Because I Know That's Not What You Want To Read. The Truth Is, I MIGHT Trade. But The REST Of The Truth Is It Would Be A While Even If I Did Decide To Trade. Right Now, I'm Working Towards Two Goals. My Number One Priority As Of Now Is Working On Cherubim *Pokes*. I'm ALSO Working On Finishing The Circus Mission And Getting Another Zoosh Potion Since I Blew All My MP And Sold My Other One To Make It Back. Promises Would Be Great For Me To Have, Seeing As I Love Her Name And Costume. And After I'm Done With Cherubim, I'll Probably End Up Working On Promises A Little Bit Since I Love Stats. I Traded My Really High Statted Pets And Ended Up With Cherubim In The End. I Won't Make You Read Anymore, Since You're Probably Going To Get A TON Of Applications, So Thank You For Taking The Time To Read Mine And Goodluck With Your Decisions (:
114 years & 23 days ago 5th Dec 2010 09:01
I sincerely enjoy candy corn!!!
Hello my name is Grace and I'm an active user on mara. I have been playing mara for awhile now so I am experienced. I have only had the le's I have now and I love Pledges the little dakota.
He is soo cute! I think he would fit perfectly with my pets. I will take care of him with all my heart and will spoill him! I will never let his health go bad and get in the red zone. I will never portal, trade, give, lend, disown, or abandon him. I would never think of doing something terrible like that to poor little Pledges. I really do love him right now and I think we can get along well. I have enough mp to accept and support him through the years. He will be in good hands with me and I would be super happy if I won! You could think of it as a early Holiday present!
Although I never actually met you i will miss you because you are leaving. I'm very thankful that you are giving me and many others the opportunity to own a new member of the family, mp, or a costume.
Why you want the pet- I would like the pet because I love the mini dakota's. I think he would fit perfectly with my mara family.
What you would do with the pet- I would love him forever and keep him forever. I WILL NOT trade him and that's the honest truth.
Why the name strikes you- because I love the fact its an actuall name as well as its spelt right. It's different and cute.
P- perfect
L- lovely
E- energetic
D- Darling
G- Gorgeous
E- Excellent
S- Super!
Thanks again and goodluck if you decide I'm not the right owner bye I will miss you.
114 years & 23 days ago 5th Dec 2010 08:54
I sincerely enjoy Candy corn.
I???m Siindima, but you can call me Sin or Tori if you like. I???m 19 years old and I live in the USA. I am currently in school, undecided about my major, could go English or Law Enforcement. I get on Marapets for at least a few hours every day. I spend a lot of my time on mara stalking around the pet forums, playing games and doing quests (when I can afford them.)
The Pet I am applying for is Wisps.
Why I want Wisps: I want Wisps because he is a Poera. I love the Poera pets, and the Angel Poera more so, because of their coloration. I have wanted a Poera since I got on marapets not too long ago. Angel, anime and Zombie Poera are my favorites.
What would I do with Wisps: I would definitely hold onto him for a while, I like to stat my pets. I won???t say that I???ll never trade him because I don???t know what the future holds, but I have no current plans of trading him. Even though I do adore his angel costume, I might try to put him in an anime costume later, because I also love the anime poera.
Why his name Strikes me: I think Wisps fits him well because snakes are naturally hard to catch and a snake with wings would be more so. I just think Wisps really fits the costume, because angels tend to remind of spirits and spirits can be interpreted as Wisps.
Thanks for the opportunity, Sin.
114 years & 23 days ago 5th Dec 2010 08:52
'I sincerely enjoy candy corn.' It's very yummy, especially this special kind I get at this farm in Santa Barbra every year at Halloween time..its GOOODD
Well, I'm Sam, and I applying for Wisps, the angelic snake. I know some people might think "Why a poera? They are such an un-common LE! Try for something higher!!", but I love the name and out of all of your pets, it suits his costume the most. Wisps sounds light and airy, and the poera just happens to be angel. Coincedence? Maybe..
I probably won't trade him, but if I do, it wont be for awhile. I wont portal him, that would be stupid. I might stat him, but really, what else is there for one to do with a pet? Trade, stat, show. Trade, I wont do for a while, if ever. Statting is a possibility. Showing will happen, thats a definite fact xDD
Again, I love the name. It sounds beautiful and calm, like a is really pretty..when I think of wisps, I think of steam, or air..When I think of that, I think of this really cool dress I saw in a Kerli video xDD (I love her too). I really thank you for actually taking the time to write this board out, you are going to make a few people ecstatic.

Sami <3

~Number Guess: 573
114 years & 23 days ago 5th Dec 2010 08:47
  1. Giving 1 million MP, and SOME pets.
    28th Mar 2012 18:54
    12 years & 9 months ago
  2. 1 Million MP, Bath, and Regular Giveaway. Y3333
    28th Mar 2012 18:32
    12 years & 9 months ago
    5th Dec 2010 08:03
    14 years & 23 days ago
  4. Legend of the Seekers Siggies
    16th Feb 2010 09:11
    14 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
    19th Jan 2010 19:55
    14 years, 11 months & 8 days ago
  6. About Shout and the Chibs Potion...
    18th Jan 2010 09:38
    14 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
    27th Jul 2009 20:28
    15 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
    13th Jun 2009 08:07
    15 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
    13th Jun 2009 07:59
    15 years, 6 months & 15 days ago