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  1. < Liz >;; Lecarta Giveaway.
    27th Aug 2010 16:26
    14 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
  2. < Liz >;; Things I Love.
    19th Jul 2010 17:52
    14 years, 5 months & 28 days ago
  3. < Liz >;; Unused Pet Names- Take Them!
    6th Jul 2010 15:41
    14 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
  4. < Liz >;; Goals- that arent accomplished.
    6th Jul 2010 15:29
    14 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
< Liz >;; Lecarta Giveaway.
14 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
27th Aug 2010 16:26


Yay Ryan2k6.

Hello, One of my Hobbies is Drawing.
I love to Draw, Well Anyways.
I can't Say I want/Need Lecarta, or that Halloween Ecruws are my dream Le.
I have all the pets I would ever want and If I want something else I would work for it.
To be honest, I just like the way they look and yours has a Decent Name.
Well, thanks for reading, Lucks choosing and here are some of my Drawings and a Graphic.



Hands in the Shape of a Heart w/ Flowers, Thorn Bush, & Clouds -

A Boy & His Blob -

Yoshi -

Zelda -

Kirby -

114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 27th Aug 2010 16:51

Hey buddy ol' pal ol' chum of mine!
I'm Cici.
To start this off,a little intro about me,just to make you understand who I really am. <3

I am Cici,the average mara player.I am experienced,but I don't have much of anything.I will soon only have one LE,and probebly 5K worth of leftovers,besides the short amount of MP in my shop till.I really like Lecarta,like a lot!

My hobbies?Well....

-Going on the computer
-Writing stories and drawing
-Walking people's dogs

To be honest,I need a really big boost on mara and Lecarta could help me a bunch.I have no chance against others,because I suck.I'm sure some greatly experienced member with like,8 LE's will win,and i'll be thrown in a dumpster to rot.

Anyways,oh Lecarta,I hope you fly over to my profile sometime today.That would be magical.
I really want you babe,we will fly in the sky,and land on the moon.Sleep on the soft clouds,and fall asleep with the stars beside us.

{Short,silly stories}

Lecarta was a red Ercuw,disguised to look evil.She wore a black cloack,and she brought her weapon everywhere.She was the first ercuw to look like this.Everyone called her the halloween ercuw.She didn't mind.

This is how the halloween ercuw was made.That sucked,but whatever. xD

Lecarta ran into the ublish room.Unlish looked at her in shock as he threw stars at her.She dodged them,but Ublish pushed her out.She faceplanted on the ground.

Lecarta and Cici walked down the street singing staying alive by the Bee Gees.They walked all gangster like,and Cici lost her pants.Then they both started singing,"Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground."

Okay,see ya!
114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 27th Aug 2010 16:50
Hi im Ryan, even though you can obviously tell since its my username haha. Anywaysss my main hobby is playing paintball. i love playing it is so much fun. My friends and i created a paintball course in the woods near their house likee 3 or 4 years ago and we used to play every weekend, but now its been hard getting to play due to work and stuff. We actually got our dads to play too! So we play kids vs. adults and sometimes we will beat them but usually they cheat and not go out haha.

If i won Lecarta i will be keeping, due to the fact that i LOVE halloween ercuws. i used to have 3 or 4 but i traded them so i could give pets to friends. i absolutely love Lecarta's name, she is an amazing pet and i would love for her to be an addition to my mara family.

I think that i deserve her simply because i am an honest marapets player. when i say im not going to trade, i wont. i cant trade pets that were given to me haha. ive had little1 for soooo long and not giving or trading because my friend laura gave to me. and my cheese sindi was given to me by Stuti<3 (girliegal123) and i am NEVER giving my cheese sindi up(:

Thank you for giving me the chance to apply and good luck choosing through all these apps.
114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 27th Aug 2010 16:50
Why, Hello there Elisabeth.
Yeah, I read your profile.
High five!
No? Oh...okay.
Well, I'm Morgan, as you can see by my username. I have a tendancy to use a lot of smilies, and costantly do random things. It's a problem...I guess. But a lot of people like how I constantly smile and laugh. Other hate it.

/Anyway/ I will start off OFFICIALLY by saying that Lecarta is freakin' awesome. Better than two camels in a tiny car (Ray William Johnson reference). I want an Angel Army, but I never thought I would have a chance to get a Halloween Ercuw, so screw the army. I want her. xD

I am 31 months old. On mara. Yeah. Most of it has consisted of Roleplaying, and talking to my buds. Which brings me, finally, to what my hobbies are!

I enjoy Writing. I love writing stories, mostly action because it is hard to write romance. I am not experienced enough yet to write people's emotions so deeply, I had just gotten onto writing pain, physically and emotionally, correctly. I don't know my characters well enough yet, I don't know everything about them. It is so hard to know people well, don't you think?

Um...anyway, I love Writing, reading, swimming, drawing, and playing video-games! Yahoo! Mostly Horror-Survival games, like Silent Hill and Fatal Frame. =] I hate horror movies though. One time, I fell off the couch when this...thing jumped out from underneath a bed. Ha ha.

Yeah. What will I do with the beautiful Lecarta?

Pfft! Keep her!
I have wanted a halloween ercuw for so long, Fire used to be my favourite but Ian changed the costume. So, Halloween is now my favourite. Perfect name too.
And, since I won't be trading her, why not stat her up? Waste my money on crystals and diamonds, I love statting pets!

Yeah, I have an Angel chibs, and a few W/N pets already. Don't let that change anything. People choose the owners based on their application, not their experience.

So, I hope you know me a bit better. =]

Good luck giving!!! =P

114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 27th Aug 2010 16:45
my names anne, im appling for my friend ham(hannahblast) hes been on her for more than 3 years just new account he gave me everything and started fresh. i would love to give him Lecarta a beautiful ercuw that i know he'll love.

my hobbies are doing any kind of sport, soccer, football, hockey, ping pong, anything! also going on marapets and going camping. the best part of camping is going to the hot springs and being around nature instead of things that kill it :/

i know that hes plans wont be on much since he had to semi quit because of school in england(he moved not to long ago) his plans would be prob to keep since is would be his first ecruw(mine was given by a different friend). i know him in real life so its much easier to be friends on here and trust each other (:

thanks for reading, good luck picking and congrads on the winner.
114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 27th Aug 2010 16:41
Im apping. My future plans would to retrade for a sindi to be honest because right now im trying to get a sindi/chibs army. I am sneggz, 2 years on mara, and I pretty much earn my pets (potioned cossied and traded)
So yeah skip the crao abiyt feed take care never trade ect.... thats not really needed. Or sob stories or whiners.

Well my hobbies are eating pie, cookies and playing on all sort of sites. Im basically a maniac xD

good luck giving
114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 27th Aug 2010 16:39
Hello. =] My name is Vicky. I've been playing Marapets for about 5 years. I quit somewhere in '09 and gave away most of my pets and MP, so my five years of playing doesn't really make an impact. xD

I really love photography. It's amazing how you can capture simple or extremely beautiful moments with a click of a button. Currently, I'm using a Canon D5 Mark II that I got for my birthday last year, and I'm working (literally) to buy the entire Adobe CS5 Collection. If you want to see a sample, I'd be glad to show you one!

I will probably give Lecarta to a friend after statting, or trade her for something, I'm not sure yet.

That's it for my application, best of luck deciding. =]
114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 27th Aug 2010 16:39
--Part 2--
still like to. I live in america, NJ to be exact. And well, that's basically it.. I know, I'm a pretty boring person. x]

Come to think of it, I've never won a giveaway on mara. Guess I'm just a unlucky person. Also, Sorry if my app was awful.. Ohh maybe that's why I never win, my apps are awful :b Ok, well please consider me.

Thank you
114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 27th Aug 2010 16:38
(Sorry, this thing ran out of space, so is it ok if i post in sections?)
--Part 1--
Hey I'm Kate! I'd love to have Lecarata because it'd be like my first high LE. I'm still wondering why you wanna give it away, since it's so amazing xD anyways, my favorite thing to do when i'm bored is play the guitar, so I guess you could say that is kinda my hobby. I also love to draw, although I suck at it, I
114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 27th Aug 2010 16:35
Hey my name is kitty and im apping for your fabulous pet Lecarta! I would love to add her to my amazing marapet collection. I've only ever owned two Le's in my history on marapets so it would be really cool to add another one to that. My plans with Lecarta would be to keep her as long as i could and the only reason i would trade her is if she could assist me in getting my dream pet. I love Halloween and that costume looks amazing on her so i would keep it like that. Something about me is that im a huge band geek and i play alto sax in the high school marching band. Another quick fact about me is that i love music. Anything and everything about music. Well good luck reading all the apps and i hope you pick me if not i understand. -Kitty! =)
114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 27th Aug 2010 16:31
  1. < Liz >;; Lecarta Giveaway.
    27th Aug 2010 16:26
    14 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
  2. < Liz >;; Things I Love.
    19th Jul 2010 17:52
    14 years, 5 months & 28 days ago
  3. < Liz >;; Unused Pet Names- Take Them!
    6th Jul 2010 15:41
    14 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
  4. < Liz >;; Goals- that arent accomplished.
    6th Jul 2010 15:29
    14 years, 6 months & 11 days ago