For Club only - Puzzle Quest
14 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
3rd Aug 2010 15:27 This will be a once-time event, and this is a puzzle quest here on Mara.
Everyone in the club can search for the answers.
In CC answers must not be given, but hints to each other are allowed
(to make it funny and not too easy.)
The event will last for max two weeks, or shorter as everyone is finished.
HOW to START: please post in the blog when you started, some participants are gone for a few days, so their starting date is different.
For example: A starts on Friday, B on Monday.
Both A and B have found the answers on Wednesday, it is clear that B was faster.
Persons can send me the answers, and I mm back to them what were the wrong answers so they can try again (for a certain period, and 3 times allowed)
The winner has first choice, than the 2nd, than the third.
If we have more prices than the first 3 winners can take more than 1 price, and the rest will be given out on the other persons joining in.
(people can also give some prices it they want; it all goes on the blog.)
Prizes over:
Vacation Male Costume
Princess Costume
Mental Male Costume
Halloween Snowman Male Costume
Mini Book
The Questions:
Please notice; there are easy questions, difficult questions, and tricky questions
good luck!
1. Who are the fate's?
2. In which world 6 stars are to be found?
3. what is the official price for adding chocolate in the coffee?
4. As what kind of pet Ian is to be found? (no minipet)
5. where is the lazy Murfin to be found who let you do all the work?
6. where can the "Peaceful Serenade" be bought originally?
7. What is Marapets for a world?
8. How much Newths are there in Biala?
9. Rainbow-streets in .......
10 Where is the kettle with something in it what could be radio-active?
11. How much trees in Lush lake?
12. World of Dreams... Which one?
13 where is the black and white Zoink? And he is not death...
14. Where are the two moons to be found? (1 world)
15.Where is BP used outside Baspinar's Castle ?
16. How many candle items exist?
17. Where is the cage, and who is in it?
18. Where is thing that looks vaguely like a measure tape held? It is held in a hand.
19. Where can you find the Mara ants?
20. How much default colours you get on mara?
21. How do you save minipets in the trees near your house?
22. If you could choose, which character you would get rid off?
You get points for original answers.
I have checked how fast the answers were found, also the amount of hints and such !
The one who was really fast was Theo, he already got his price (Kamilah costume)
Gigi - 2nd place (mental female costume)