So...its been a while.
14 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
17th Jul 2010 10:22 Yeah, i haven't really been on marapets in a year-ish. Sure, i've been one every few weeks for like..five minutes at a time..but thats different.
Lol this is me rambling :]
So i've changed quite alot. My name is in fact Fun, so please use that name =D Yeah, its weird, and i've no idea what my parents were thinking but it'!
Mkay, so i like peoples and i like to chit chat whenever i'm online. My pets are ALWAYS up for trade, everyone cept Subside.
About muah;
I'm a book-a-holic, love Harry Potter and Twilight. Twilight movies aren't soooo good, and i'm a total Draco Malfoy fan..although he's a from out of space in the books/
I'm straight, but i've got nothing against from out of s, in fact they're friggen awesome! I'm a tom-boy girl and i'm a teenager/young adult so don't talk down to me, it really bothers me. I'm not big on goals and i've failed blitzen twice on levels 28 and 27. I like honestly i've run outta books that i've been able to find, so i like to twist and warp already published stories and read about twisted sotries and play with the characters!
I'm a complex and selfish person and i know it.
Enough about my weird self, actually i barely scratched the surface, but whatevs :]
Ta ta for now,