14 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
14th Jul 2010 12:19 Keeping track of petrichora's learnables.
What she does not have:
candy music
christmas carols
dukka fairy songs
easter songs
electro music
geek remix
gingerbread songs
goblin tunes
greatest hits by baby maradolls
greatest hits by syn d
greedy fairy music
halloween hits
ice divas
irish music
light side music
love music
minipet christmas carols
number ones by huffix
olympic anthems
peaceful serenade
pixie music
polar tunes
radioactive jazz
rainbow tunes
recycled cd
rotten cd
ruins music
school bus songs
simerian songs
snowman dance
snowman songs
soul music
space age rock
superhero anthems
the best christmas carols
undead march
undying fairy songs
undying tunes
villain music
war music