Hi, I???m Ivy, people prefer to call me Star though. I???m a 17 year old New Yorker, a dancer, a Marilyn Monroe fanatic, a loyal Marapets user.
I???m going to attempt to grand slam this giveaway, ???cause when I read your thread I must admit, I was mesmerized. o.O
When an opportunity like this is given, I have no choice but to jump on it.
Viottos are exquisite and boss. I love Sheyana cause she???s ever so boss, the bossest deer I know. Bosser than Bambi and Rudolph combined. Now that???s straight up BOSS. Oh wow, I love how spell check thinks I mean ???Shebang??? when I write Sheyana. I haven???t a clue as to what the hell ???shebang??? means but if I break it down as a compound???oh god. Anyways, moving on.
Shebang, I mean Sheyana, would be a lovely addition to my Mara family. My family is rather small, I actually prefer it that way, more attention paid to the pets if you agree. If you don???t then forget any mention of the previous statement.
Jokes aside, I do have a few plans for your sensuous Eleka Deer. I???m planning on loading her with weapons. She???s not going to be a battle pet or anything, cause the whole process of battling puts me to sleep. However she could look all tuff, with two ff???s, like a boss, when it says ???Weapons (492948754796892)??? under her beautiful name.
I think I speak for everyone who apped for the splendiferous Sheyana when I say thank you so very much for this opportunity. You are more than kindhearted. Good luck to all the contestants. Whatever prevails, prevails. I hope Shey is obtained by a compassionate owner with a good home and a lot to offer.
Btw I just looked up Shebang. Shebang- a hut or a shack. It???s slang apparently. You learn something new everyday. :{D
Speaking of day, have a nice one! And I???m sorry to hear that you???re quitting. Enjoy the real world.
PS, I love Sheyana.