I'm on a library computer but you have to pay but I will soon get my computer fixed. It's taken a while because we had a storm and that broke a few computers. I apologize. The librarian doesn't like you on these sites so will probably block it. Unfortunately we don't know how long it will take but hopefully not long.
114 years & 9 months ago 29th Mar 2010 11:29
sorry My computer broke so I wasn't able to get on the computer until it was fixed and I apologize for the delay.
114 years & 9 months ago 29th Mar 2010 11:27
Same here.
This is so not fair at all. We wasted our time applying for a pet, and now we basically did it for nothing?
114 years, 9 months & 1 day ago 29th Mar 2010 03:53
First, we all worked hard on these apps, and this is all we get? O.o
Second, I thought that making people vote for giveaways was against the rules? I'm still not sure what she meant by 'voting' on her last forum, but still...?
114 years, 9 months & 1 day ago 28th Mar 2010 18:33
Piano_Lady told me if she wants to, she doesn't have to give away the pet -.-
I could have sworn that saying you are giving a pet, making people apply for it, then not giving it was against the rules ;-;
114 years, 9 months & 1 day ago 28th Mar 2010 13:28
Maybe this whole thing was a joke :/
I think we should tell staff.
114 years, 9 months & 3 days ago 27th Mar 2010 08:49
Or this whole thing was a joke?
114 years, 9 months & 3 days ago 26th Mar 2010 19:28