Spechul Franns <333
15 years, 3 months & 14 days ago
14th Sep 2009 00:59 These are my bestesh fwens(: ILY!!
Ellen, the chibs pixel {aweshum}-->
You and I are the first beshfwen. Remember to chat on MSN! ILY! bby(: <333 =33
Kate, the purdehh Zombiee -->
You owe me bby, <333 ILY so muchh. I love ze pants you're wearing =0 Mine is greater >DDD =33 ILLYY MOAR! OILY!
Kota Mota, the aweshum fwen <333-->
You made my day shinee always <33 and for that, you're my beshfwen. @@ Speshul fwen.
Lia, the most aweshum rocker =33--> You are the MOST aweshum rocking girl I've eba met!! ILY so muchheee.... //hugs.
Sarah, the um, uh, loves apricot?---> You're also bestest and nicest person I've met. We're in Cliches. ILY so mucchh...
Kuro, the siggy buyer---> OMG! You aweshum. You looks is sho aweshum =33
Ani, the NOT-SO literate nice girl ----> OMG! I love you sho mucchhh. You're sho shweeett. ILY!
//hugs all =33
Sami, the most awesome Rainbow--->
Hai! Sweetie! <333 You're the most um, talented artist evuh. [using Drawing Tablet].
Zoe, the awesome biffle --->
You rock my world, bby<33 ILY so muchh. I love your graphics so muchh.