unDaisy has 200 or more Defence stats and has just won Kirins Horn Wand.
234342234342 has 40 or more Stamina stats and has just won 5,000MP.
Qaala has 30 or more Balance stats and has just won Golem Potato.
234342234342 has 40 or more Balance stats and has just won 5,000MP.
Qaala has 30 or more Stamina stats and has just won Merman Action Figure.
Ganseblumchen has 40 or more Defence stats and has just won 5,000MP.
3224423423 has 40 or more Balance stats and has just won 5,000MP.
unDaisy has 200 or more Strength stats and has just won Tyras.
Edsaidno has 40 or more Balance stats and has just won 5,000MP.
Edsaidno has 60 or more Stamina stats and has just won 7,500MP.