234342234342 has 30 or more Strength stats and has just won 7,500MP.
234342234342 has 30 or more Strength stats and has just won 7,500MP.
zsuzsi has 1100 or more Magic stats and has just won 5 Coordination, Stamina & Balance Stats for zsuzsi.
zsuzsi has 1000 or more Defence stats and has just won Kirin Photo.
zsuzsi has 1050 or more Defence stats and has just won 80,000MP.
Qaala has 5 or more Strength stats and has just won Satyr Potato.
zsuzsi has 1150 or more Magic stats and has just won 90,000MP.
zsuzsi has 1100 or more Defence stats and has just won 5 Strength, Defence & Speed Stats for zsuzsi.
zsuzsi has 1200 or more Magic stats and has just won 10 Strength, Defence & Speed Stats for zsuzsi.