My best friends

15 years, 9 months & 27 days ago
8th May 2009 10:00This is not in order.
If I forgot you just tell me and I will add you, to everyone whose not on, I am sorry
ENKI! hilarious and just like me, We haven't fought at all and I am sure if we ever do we will make up, Your a awesome friend and Rui is pretty awesome too!
KITTEN!, Your funny and a great friend, Your always there for me when I am sad or happy, Thanks for being a great friend
ADELE!, You always have time to listen to me, And read my storys, You are very helpful when it comes to writing too! thank you
WHY!, Your funny, Nice, And very awesome, Especially when I am sad, Thanks Why
SPIDEY! One of the best friends I will ever have, Your always there to help!

LUBLII! One of the best friends I could ask for!
Your the best!
JULIE! We didn't really get along at first, but, we quickly made up and became great friends, we're even in a GREAT club together now!
Pretty awesome huh?
Thanks for giving me a second chance Julie.
You rule!