My Friends<3
15 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
29th Mar 2009 11:18 guitarherorocks(Heaths)- You were always there for me, thick or thin. While I helped you, you helped me! Heaths, you can never be replaced in my heart. I mean, your the one I know I can trust and turn to no matter the issue, big or small. You would never judge me or do anything but be nice. Luffin ya Heaths!:Love:
popstar444-I chat with you a lot in clubs, and you are an "Interesting"(Crazy, nuts)person to know xD
Vanns-It took me a while to warm up to you, but I think we could be really good friends, you are really fun to chat with too!
XxInsaneApplesuacexX- You are fun to talk to and helped me out a lot! I luff you Apple
klcgal- I knew you from the beginning, and you have helped me and encouraged me all the way! Thank you, Keels
ChinchillaPaw-I luff you Chilla, you are a reat friend!
RunningDoe- I knew you from the beginning, and you were always there to chat to. You also gave me great deals on your AWESOME Graphics
Will add more