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  1. The proper use of magic institute
    27th Mar 2009 17:28
    15 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  2. Poem #1 NEW "the way you make me feel"
    20th Oct 2008 21:53
    16 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
The proper use of magic institute
15 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
27th Mar 2009 17:28

plot: Students with magical powers go to special, top-secret schools. But if they use their magic in risky, illegal ways, they're kicked out of those schools, and transferred to the high-security Phinneas T. Wilhelm Institute for Magical Delinquents, or as the "students" not-so-affectionately refer to it, "Phinny." It's located in downtown Manhattan, but the students typically only see the city through their barred (and magically sealed) dormitory windows. Escaping from Phinny is nearly impossible, but some students are desperate to find a way out. But the only way out that one girl can think of, is using their magic for good. But what if they don't want to? well then she came up with an idea, if they didn't want to turn good then they just better pretend if they want out of this prison-like place.

Alex (MusicLver4Ever)
Lena (MusicLver4Ever)
Jonathan (Wycca)
Dakota (poptartt)
Jade*Jay* (fasoro1992)

OOC: I gtg night night

BIC: Roxi backed up as the shadows appeared, "Woah put those things back!"
115 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 12th Apr 2009 00:15
"I don't know," he said while trying to walk out of the sheild, but it trapped him inside of the cafe. Jacob growled and turned back around.
115 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 12th Apr 2009 00:15
jay stood in front of jacob sheilding everyone from the monsters "jacob whats going on?" she asked

emma looked at the monsters "jonathan please calm down" she said looking into his eyes
115 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 12th Apr 2009 00:13
'Try asking Jonathan,' he replied to Jay.

"Hello," Dakota smiled to the cashier.
115 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 12th Apr 2009 00:11
"Because I always have them out! Without my hands they're just cards!" Shadows began to creep out of his deck and form shapes and colors of dozens and dozens of monsters.
115 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 12th Apr 2009 00:07
"Why'd you want them out in the first place?" Jacob asked. His voice was deeper than usual.
115 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 12th Apr 2009 00:05
jay seen jacob was geting mad and put a hand on his sholder "jacob calm down it's okay" then in her head she sent him 'whats wrong tell me'

emma steped in front of Jonathan "plese calm down we aren't jumping down your throat we are just reminding you of what could happen it's okay" she said in an assuring voice she put both her hands on his sholders
115 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 12th Apr 2009 00:05
"They're not attacking just standing there. Why are you all jumping down my throats!" Jonathan started to get incredibily angry and as he got angrier his deck began to glow.
115 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 12th Apr 2009 00:01
Dakota smiled and looked at the dress one last time. "Did you find anything?" she asked slowly walking to the counter.

Jacob grew furious. He wanted to know what Jonathan had in mind, if it involved him or not.
115 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 12th Apr 2009 00:00
"I can take them cards off you so fast you won't see how it's coming it wont help any of us to get out if you start making people disapear" emma said calmley

"whats the shadow realm?" jay asked no one in paticular
115 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 11th Apr 2009 23:57
  1. The proper use of magic institute
    27th Mar 2009 17:28
    15 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  2. Poem #1 NEW "the way you make me feel"
    20th Oct 2008 21:53
    16 years, 4 months & 12 days ago