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  1. The Circus Freaks
    18th Feb 2009 14:40
    16 years & 22 days ago
The Circus Freaks
16 years & 22 days ago
18th Feb 2009 14:40

The Circus Freaks. I don't want to explain the dang plot, so just read the comments.


Dawn - MusicLver4Ever
Alex - MusicLver4Ever
Raven - MusicLver4Ever
Stel, Stelly (Estella) - Zoyce101
Jack - Wycca
Joseph - Wycca
Maria - Wycca
Alured - Wycca
Ivy (Ivrine) - Gigglemagic
Roxi (Fiera; Temp.) - Gigglemagic
Levi - Fasoro1992
Kay - Fasoro1992
Drew - Fasoro1992
Verna - Poptartt
Mike - Poptartt
Thea - RawrTunes
Ringleader - N/A

Shortcut to Gigglemagic's RP:

OOC: It would be so cool if all of the girls were amazing at Ballet lol technically there are only three girls.

"Dawn that was good, very original!" She smiled.

116 years & 11 days ago 1st Mar 2009 15:17
"Wha--? Oh," I laughed, but it was forced. Hopefully she hadn't noticed. "Thanks Stel. Wow, this is really cool!" I exclaimed as I observed the little tiger. "You really have a talent with this now," I said, smiling a true smile.
116 years & 11 days ago 1st Mar 2009 15:12
Stel smiled. "No problem. I was thinking, why not go to the best of your abilities?" Stel released several eagles, each carrying a bar or rope, and hung them around the rafters so Jack could jump to the one of choice.
Stel then turned around and exclaimed at Dawn. "That was great! It was funny and exciting." Stel hugged her and handed her a small dancing marshmallow tiger.
116 years & 11 days ago 1st Mar 2009 15:10
He nodded.
"Sounds like a plan, thank you kindly."
116 years & 11 days ago 1st Mar 2009 15:08
Stel smiled. "How about this, Jack. we set up a series of ropes and bars. You come out, and the entire tent is dark, except for the spotlight on you. You jump up and land on a bar, which is 20 feet above the ground. You look like a big bat, and it scares people. The entire tent is dark now, without the spotlight. It turns on again 5 seconds later, and you're hanging on a rope 20 feet away. From the rope, you swoop down into the audience, still hanging on the rope, and you give a rose to a person. And then you land in the audience and in to steps you've jumped back to the bar 20 feet above the stage. I have a rose. Here."
Stel handed Jack a long white rose.
116 years & 11 days ago 1st Mar 2009 15:07

116 years & 11 days ago 1st Mar 2009 15:04
"Thanks," I muttered. I jumped when Stel yelled, and I went to the dressing rooms to change back into my performance outfit for my act which was after Stel's. I walked out in my silky black leotard, waiting for the ringleader to cue me. Distracted, I turned into a tiger, lead by a stagehand, and two other stagehands were out on the stage themselves. I prowled out, and the audience gasped in horror. I didn't even smile, or growl. The stagehand took the leash off, and she walked off the stage. I sat down where I was, waiting for the helpers to cue me. When they told me to balance on top of the oversized bouncy ball, I did. It was with some difficulty, and the audience and me, for that matter, enjoyed it. The helper told me to get off, and I leapt off. They rolled the ball offstage. Then, with an assortment of hoops, I was to jump through each of them, all at different heights. I did, and then faced the audience. The stagehands left with the props, and I leapt off the stage and did my first act all over again. How I did when it was normal. When nothing bad had happened. I smiled at that memory, and some audience members flinched, as they only saw needle sharp teeth. I laughed, and remembered this was supposed to be fun. Then, I really got into it. I growled playfully at some kids, and I even pretended to swipe with my claws out at some adults who shrieked in fear. I smiled, and bounded back onto the stage. I turned to face the audience, and then bowed, to their relief. I prowled offstage, hearing the applause, and morphed back, slightly smiling. I bent down, and reached a rose that had been thrown to me, and looked at it. I stared at it with pained eyes.
116 years & 11 days ago 1st Mar 2009 15:04
He looked confused.
"Yes of course."
116 years & 11 days ago 1st Mar 2009 14:58
ooc// I'm going after Stel's performance ok? I just need to finish typing it out...
116 years & 11 days ago 1st Mar 2009 14:58
Stel smiled at Jack. "Yes. You can jump high, can't you?"
She turned to Roxi and Ivy. "Thank you, Roxi. Ivy, I doubt it was as good as yours. Yours was magnificent."
116 years & 11 days ago 1st Mar 2009 14:57
  1. The Circus Freaks
    18th Feb 2009 14:40
    16 years & 22 days ago