Stel blushed. "Sorry Jack. That wasn't me actually speaking. I was about half concious. I know you wouldn't lie."
116 years & 6 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 18:38
"Witch? That's interesting..." I murmured.
116 years & 6 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 18:32
"No" he said calmy."I don't mix them up no matter how long I live."
116 years & 6 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 18:32
Stel's eyes popped open, as she finished registering Jack's last statement. Witch. Suddenly she could think clearly. Witch.
116 years & 6 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 18:31
Stel murmured again. Her mind was getting clearer. "Are you sure she wasn't your past love, maybe? From the way you blanched..." Stel could suddenly hear herself. She had a bad habit of saying the truth of her thoughts when she was sleepy.