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  1. The Circus Freaks
    18th Feb 2009 14:40
    16 years & 19 days ago
The Circus Freaks
16 years & 19 days ago
18th Feb 2009 14:40

The Circus Freaks. I don't want to explain the dang plot, so just read the comments.


Dawn - MusicLver4Ever
Alex - MusicLver4Ever
Raven - MusicLver4Ever
Stel, Stelly (Estella) - Zoyce101
Jack - Wycca
Joseph - Wycca
Maria - Wycca
Alured - Wycca
Ivy (Ivrine) - Gigglemagic
Roxi (Fiera; Temp.) - Gigglemagic
Levi - Fasoro1992
Kay - Fasoro1992
Drew - Fasoro1992
Verna - Poptartt
Mike - Poptartt
Thea - RawrTunes
Ringleader - N/A

Shortcut to Gigglemagic's RP:

ooc// I'm here, but I'm gonna be gone. My dad's helping me with my homework. Stel, you know the standards you were talking about for you math thing? I have those exact same standards for reading, writing, language arts etcetera. For my math standards....DX LOL

116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 20:14
OOC/ hi back what did I miss?
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 20:12
LOL I'm older then both of you grade wise and age wise but not by much..................

BIC: Ivy turned as she heard their conversation, she then closed her eyes and went to sleep. *she began to dream of dancing as a ballerina in a performance in paris, the audience applauded. As she came up from her bow she was on the stage of the circus, everything went silent. They looked at her with blank faces, like she had done something wrong but what. Ivy looked into the to her side, there standing there was a doctor lifting up a child onto a stretcher. the little girl looked like she had been burnt to death. Ivy looked around, she looked at the ringleader hoping to see her father. But it was someone she never seen before, she glanced back stage and she didn't even recognize the people in the circus. everyone including the people backstage looked at her with disapproval. Ivy ran and looked into the mirror, she was not herself she was........... her mom! the people backstage crowded around her and began to say, "Look at what you did, look at the girl, she's burnt, it's your fault. Your a horrible person! You are an evil person, you should go live down below where you belong!* Ivy shot up, yelling "I'm sorry so sorry, it was and accident, I didn't mean to!" She was sweating, tears ran down her face, was this trying to show what her mother went through?
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 20:11
Hahaha. Yes. I'm in 7th. My math smarticles are around the 8th-9th grade American standard. My language art smarticles range from 8-12th American standard. But in Asian countries, I reach 7-8th grade standard in both. America has very low academic standards. And some of the world's best scholars/business men as well. Irony.
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 19:38
BRB Soon.
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 19:33
Or at least close enough to it...
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 19:32
Oh, so then that means your in the same grade as me. YAY XD LOL
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 19:30
Junior High. I'm in Junior high. I'll be taking algebra 2 in my first year of highschool. Taking honor algebra 1 right now. Taking geometry next year.
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 19:29
Ok then.
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 19:29
That's the quadratic EQUATION. The one I gave you is the FORMULA.
equation does not equal formula. It's different.
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 19:28
  1. The Circus Freaks
    18th Feb 2009 14:40
    16 years & 19 days ago