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  1. The Circus Freaks
    18th Feb 2009 14:40
    16 years & 18 days ago
The Circus Freaks
16 years & 18 days ago
18th Feb 2009 14:40

The Circus Freaks. I don't want to explain the dang plot, so just read the comments.


Dawn - MusicLver4Ever
Alex - MusicLver4Ever
Raven - MusicLver4Ever
Stel, Stelly (Estella) - Zoyce101
Jack - Wycca
Joseph - Wycca
Maria - Wycca
Alured - Wycca
Ivy (Ivrine) - Gigglemagic
Roxi (Fiera; Temp.) - Gigglemagic
Levi - Fasoro1992
Kay - Fasoro1992
Drew - Fasoro1992
Verna - Poptartt
Mike - Poptartt
Thea - RawrTunes
Ringleader - N/A

Shortcut to Gigglemagic's RP:

"Oh, I see!" She said, Ivy heard his comment, then thought to herself, (ahhh, okay was that a i love your slippers as in a cute compliment, or i love your slippers but deep down hates them.....okay ivy pull it together, your over reacting, your over reacting about a pair of slippers with huge mushrooms on them...) she sighed. then said in a soft tone, "T..thanks!" she tapped her feet together.
OOC: Pretend she was never attracted to Caleb, considering he hasn't posted in over 3,000 posts
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 21:55
"I never was one for sleep overs" he explained "love the slippers" he commented with a smile
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 21:50
Jack walked in, rubbing at his eyes and still in his pajamas. he was wearing his usual boots which looked very out of place.
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 21:49
I laughed, and continued frying the eggs.
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 21:49
Ivy woke up and noticed that dawn wasn't there, her giant daisy took her to the floor, she walked into the kitchen noticing Levi and Dawn. "Morning guys, hey Levi! Why didn't you come to the roof top sleepover? We all slept in sleeping bags on Dawn's roof." Ivy felt really rediculis in her mushroom slippers. she looked down at her feet then back of to Levi.
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 21:47
ooc: I'm back. I have to finish the damned homework. Which I hate. A LOT. >.>

Stel stirred in her sleeping bag. She hadn't slept this well in quite a long time. She woke up to the sound of Dawn cooking in the kitchen. Stel whined and closed her eyes again. She didn't want to get up. She turned, and scared herself. During the night Jack had turned over and his face was now 6 inches away. Stel's heart stuttered and she scooted back a bit.
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 21:45
"Maybe," I teased. "All I'm doing is making breakfast, it's not the hardest thing in the world." I went into the fridge to get some eggs while the oven heated the oil-filled pan. I cracked some eggs and soon, the kitchen was filled with the sizzling and crackling sound as well as the smell of eggs.
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 21:44
"want some help?" levi asked as he turned on the jug
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 21:41
ooc// Ok. =) =) =)

bic// "Hey Levi," I said, yawning at the same time. It sounded odd. I laughed, although that sounded a bit strange too, and then said, Good morning," normally.
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 21:38
ooc: ill catch on it soon
bic: levi went to the kitchen to get a cuppa coffee "morning" he yawned when he seen Dawn
116 years & 5 days ago 3rd Mar 2009 21:36
  1. The Circus Freaks
    18th Feb 2009 14:40
    16 years & 18 days ago