"Are you sure? Do you want some tea or something? Medicine?"
116 years ago 4th Mar 2009 22:46
bic// "Hey, Ivy!" I shouted over to her, as I leaned my head back, lying down on the beach towel. Levi was sitting next to me, painting on the canvas. "Levi," I muttered to him. "Ivy's here now."
116 years ago 4th Mar 2009 22:46
ooc: Ok. It's not revealing to me, yet a lot of people said it's not appropriate. Whatever. xD
116 years ago 4th Mar 2009 22:45
116 years ago 4th Mar 2009 22:45
Stel sat down next to him and patted his back. "What's wrong?"
116 years ago 4th Mar 2009 22:45
ooc// It's not that revealing. I'd wear something like that to school if our dress code allowed it. Although, I'm just glad we don't have to wear uniforms. XD
116 years ago 4th Mar 2009 22:45
Ivy stepped onto the beach, "Hey guys!" SHe set her bag on the ground and quickly ran into the changing room, to change into just her swim suit, Ivy strolled out and sat down next to Levi.
bic: Stel walked in to her cabin to tell Jack she was going to the store for a while. She had changed: http://images.meez.com/user/9/2/0/5/8/5/6/9205856_bodyshot_300x400.gif (yes, I know. A bit revealing. But I was wearing something similar today at school. Not as revealing of course, but with the pants w/ text on them and tights. And sweater.) and wanted to ask him how she looked, but his head was in his hands and he looked depressed.