OOC: I forgive you but here are a few things I just want to comment on......
Realish, um this role play is nothing close to real, I mean we have powers. and You can melt things, and freezing people um thats not realish. So why does only the thing I do should be Realish??? it just doesn't make sense, and you got to remember I'm not all that smart, my intelligance is more into the art, and photography, and english mostly. I suck when it comes to math bc I am bad at numbes the only person in my family who is good at numbers is my dad. he graduated highschool with almost a 4.0 but I got my moms learning disablity so I can't understand that. So how am I suppose to know that a poison & another poison create a acid????And to the fact I was never even taught that, I never even knew that until now! And I overreact to, trust me, a lot more, because I'm so sensitive because of all that I have been through.