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  1. The Circus Freaks
    18th Feb 2009 14:40
    15 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
The Circus Freaks
15 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
18th Feb 2009 14:40

The Circus Freaks. I don't want to explain the dang plot, so just read the comments.


Dawn - MusicLver4Ever
Alex - MusicLver4Ever
Raven - MusicLver4Ever
Stel, Stelly (Estella) - Zoyce101
Jack - Wycca
Joseph - Wycca
Maria - Wycca
Alured - Wycca
Ivy (Ivrine) - Gigglemagic
Roxi (Fiera; Temp.) - Gigglemagic
Levi - Fasoro1992
Kay - Fasoro1992
Drew - Fasoro1992
Verna - Poptartt
Mike - Poptartt
Thea - RawrTunes
Ringleader - N/A

Shortcut to Gigglemagic's RP:

"Oh, no," Alex said, blushing as she set up a chair and then it folded in half and fell to the ground. "Damn, stupid chair," she muttered to herself. She righted it up, and slowly stepped away from it. It stayed in place, but instead, she hit another chair and that toppled over. "AH, what's WITH me today?!" she exclaimed. "No, I'm not a visitor," Alex told Jack, exasperated. "I just joined, but I'm not doing a very good job..." she said, trailing off as she looked at the field of fallen chairs surrounding her.
115 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 19th Mar 2009 19:42
Jack looked startled and picked the nearest chair up. "Are you a visitor?" He asked while putting up more chairs. He didn't quite realize she was a new adittion.
115 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 19th Mar 2009 19:39
Alex heard footsteps behind her, and whirled around. Most unfortunately was the fact that she was EXTREMELY clumsy. As she did so, she hit a chair, which hit another chair, and caused a chain reaction. Soon, about 20 chairs had toppled over as did Alex. She clapped her hands to her mouth as she realized what she did. "Oh--I'm--" she stuttered out. Alex quickly got up and started righting out all the chairs she had tipped over.
115 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 19th Mar 2009 19:35
He stood up and decided to go into the big tent to look for a pair of scissors he had seen there a while ago. He stepped into the dimly lit place and looked around .
115 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 19th Mar 2009 19:33
Alex felt excitement bubbling in her as she realized this was going to be her new home. It was better than the ratty orphanage place. Much better. She meandered inside the big red tent walking around in the dirt.
115 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 19th Mar 2009 19:30
Jack stumbled into the campground and sat down on his cabins stoop. he felt his hair brush against his neck and swatted at it in mild irratation.
"Really it is getting long."
115 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 19th Mar 2009 19:28
Alex wandered around the Circus grounds and looked at the cabins. She was intrigued as each cabin had a poster of who lived in it. There apparently was a wild animal tamer named Dawn, who never really seemed to appear on stage, a life bringer called Estella, a jumping man and fire breather named Jack, a earth girl named Ivy who looked very much like the ringleader, and more. Alex got tired of reading each one and went into the large red tent.
115 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 19th Mar 2009 19:25
Jack looked at the others having fun and sighed, then he got up slowly and started to walk back to camp. His usually bouncy gait was subdoed.
115 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 19th Mar 2009 19:22
ooc// Ok then lol.

Grrr, I guess I need to be the ringleader to Alex then lolz.

bic// The door slammed open and the ringleader stepped out. The girls eyes widened in fright, and he looked down upon her.
"What do you want?!" he snarled.
"" she stuttered.
"To join the Circus...?" she said, sort of making it a question.
His expression softened a bit. "What can you do?" he asked.
"Oh, I'm not sure, I can do a few things, but mainly I could just be like a helper, or a cleaner or something...." she babbled on.
"What is your name?"
"Alex...Alex what?" he inquired.
"I...I don't know; I never knew my parents; neither did the orphanage.
Then did his expression truly soften, but he tried to keep it angered. It was quite difficult.
"Ok then," he said quietly.
Alex looked up, her eyes teeming with happiness. "Oh, thank you!" she cried out. "Thank you, thank you!"
He sort of smiled, and then closed the door as she walked away.
"Now what do I do?" Alex said softly to herself in the deserted campgrounds.

Dawn flipped over onto her back, the sun burning her. It hurt. Dawn groaned, and then flipped over once more and fell into the lake. Which was exactly what she intended. The water cooled her slight sunburns, and, bored, she swam over to where Ivy, Levi, Jack, and Kay were. Stel was swimming around on the other side of the lake.
115 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 19th Mar 2009 19:18
I will create another character but a boy, and it will be ivy's step brother, however Ivy doesn't know she has a step brother.
115 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 19th Mar 2009 19:12
  1. The Circus Freaks
    18th Feb 2009 14:40
    15 years, 11 months & 19 days ago