he hovered in the sheild and followed "dawn I tell you things but I need the trust returned" he said
115 years, 11 months & 3 days ago 28th Mar 2009 22:21
Dawn hooted again. What she said was, "I don't care, leave me alone Kay." She fluttered away, even though she knew Kay would follow her.
115 years, 11 months & 3 days ago 28th Mar 2009 22:18
"I was serious as well" levi said levi ssapeared and reapeared with his painting tools he done the stary background to perfection "I want to add you into it but I need you to hold stillish" he said
115 years, 11 months & 3 days ago 28th Mar 2009 22:18
drew used kays sheild skills to hover then hovered over to dawn "dawn turn back now and tell me whats wrong I hate beng kept in the dark you know that" he said
115 years, 11 months & 3 days ago 28th Mar 2009 22:15
ivy smiled then said still glancing up at the sky, "Thanks, but i'm serious, itsn't it? I mean it's like a new painting every season, full of little paintings pulled into one to create an endless work of art!"
115 years, 11 months & 3 days ago 28th Mar 2009 22:13
Dawn turned away from Kay and flew to the next tree which was ten or fifteen feet away. She hooted sardonically.
115 years, 11 months & 3 days ago 28th Mar 2009 22:13
drew seen an owl up the top of a tree and knew it was dawn he started climbing up "dawn I kow thats you what happend whats wrong?" he asked in kays voice
115 years, 11 months & 3 days ago 28th Mar 2009 22:11
Dawn ignored Kay and kept sprinting through which was incredibly easy considering she was a large cat. Dawn leapt into a tall tree and kept climbing 'til she reached the top. Before she could fall off, she turned into an elf owl, and balanced at the very tip of the tree.
115 years, 11 months & 3 days ago 28th Mar 2009 22:07
drew ran after her using kays voice he called out "Dawn come ad talk to me whats going on I heard you shouting?"
115 years, 11 months & 4 days ago 28th Mar 2009 22:01
ooc// No, no, I get it. XD
bic// Dawn started sprinting into the darkness, sobbing, tears streaming down her face, and she turned into a leopard. Her wildcat eyes were sharp, even though they were flooded with tears.
115 years, 11 months & 4 days ago 28th Mar 2009 21:59