ooc// OH.
bic// "Wha--?" Dawn said, waking up. She had dozed off. "What happened, is the place on fire?!" she asked randomly, blinking her eyes. "Umm, Dawn, we have a problem, get the others now," Kay asked. Her tone was odd. It scared Dawn. Dawn glanced out the window and stared in shock. "So I'm guessing the catastrophe hasn't happened /YET/," she said softly. "Damn, be back!" Dawn said, and sprinted out of the door. Dawn ran up to Jack's cabin, Stel's cabin, and everyone else. She knocked on each of their doors rapidly, not bothering with Ivy's or Levi's since both of them were on the roof.
Luna looked frantically from the robe underneath the marble to the chandelier. "Please," she begged the hem. What was the point? She had no idea. More large boulders of silver marble started to crash to the floor. Crash! Crash! CRASH! One of them almost hit Luna. Three of the screws from the chandelier hit her in the head. "Oh no," she muttered. She looked up. There were only two screws left in place.
"I'm not sure," Alex replied. She hadn't been her long so she did not know much about the others other than their names.