OOC- Okay. :3
What I mean by spidery is that she has long legs and is flexible.. xD
BIC- The thin, spidery figure of Thea Warbeck was perched on the stage of the main tent.
Something was writhing in her hands.
A harmless garter snake, which went by the name of Volos, called so by Thea herself, was wriggling, slithering about her fingers.
She laughed to herself as she watched it bite her finger.
Volos, having no venom, was free to bite her as many times as he wanted. She didn't care.
She would if he had been venomous, but since he wasn't, she was fine with any of his antics. She watched him, with a curious expression, sink his fangs 'affectionately' into her left thumb.
"Hey, I write with that hand, you know," she muttered.