ooc// Ehh, I'm posting now.
Aww, damn, you went offline. DX
bic// Lying on the squeaky hotel bed, the black haired teenage girl stared at the ceiling. It was humid inside, despite the air-conditioners. She got up and walked outside and checked the notice board again. She would have smiled, if she were not so tired when she read the papers all along the board. The summer heat left her limbs feeling useless; she felt like she was going to melt to the dusty ground any second now. The teenager walked back into the hotel and back into her room and waited for the day to be over.
Alex walked towards the big red tent, looking around for anything she could do. Ever since she joined, she hadn't done much except meet the others. She had a lot of work to do. Putting her auburn hair in a ponytail, she started tidying up the tent.
Flopping down on the bed, Dawn muttered to herself. How could he pull this one on us? The damn show was /tomorrow/; how does the ringleader expect us to think up an act so quickly? It was frustrating. She turned on her side, staring at the blank, white wall of her cabin, thinking.