OOC// Oh, and by back, I mean back in the state of California; back home! XD
BIC// Dawn, still lying on her bunk in the cabin, finally thought of an act. She smiled randomly as she stared at the ceiling, thinking it over.
Listening to the others talk, Alex tidied up the Circus tent for the show that was to be tomorrow. She couldn't wait; she hadn't seen them perform yet, and she wanted to see what they all could do. With a broom, she swept across the stage and through the stands and gathered up all the trash from the previous show. It seemed as if the ringleader didn't waist his time or effort on things such as hygiene. Alex sighed, brushing some of her auburn hair out of her face. It was quite humid inside the tent, despite the cool air that was flowing in through the flap entrances. She wondered if she could do something about that...especially since it was summer, and little kids didn't want to sit in a chair, watching the performance and sticky and sweaty.
OOC// Haha, I just remembered that Jack's supposed to be designing a bow and arrow for Alex.
BIC// How long was she supposed to wait? How long had she been staying in this god-forsaken hotel? The teenager had lost count. She wished for the day to be over already; it was only one more day's wait after all. She would have to wait. Sighing, she tried to make herself go to sleep early, but it was no use. She thought about the reason why she was here in the first place, and didn't dare encourage her thoughts any further than what she was thinking of now. She brushed some of her black hair with a few red streaks in it out of her face and her ominous silver eyes as she flopped down on the springy, and generally crappy bed.