You sent the message hello to John100Cena:
Hey umm if your trying to get chris back, your a sul.t and cun.t and a so back the fuc.k off and get a life you he is taken
so dont even try, and chris will never take you back after he see wat you said to kissmylips12,now the whole mara pet world knows what you have done, i dont like you no one dose so do us all a favor and go back to the hospital you sick female dog.
And John100Cena replied with the message RE:hello....
[17th Jan 04:57 PM] [Reply] [Mail] [Block] [Delete] [Forward] [Report]
listen b.itch it's not up to u or hannah it's up to chris..k S.LUT
so F.UCK off this isn't UR problem it's Mine, Chris, and hannah's so F.UCK off B.ITCH