-{R] My Rant.
16 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
9th Aug 2008 19:38 Well, I've had an awful lot to rant about for a while now, so I'd better get it out before I unleash it all on some innocent newbie who accidently broke a rule.
First off, what's with the hypocrites? And not just the members, it's actually kinda staff. I mean, in the rules, it says nothing sexual or anything pertaining to that should be on here, posted anywhere, and yet a lot of the advertisements are full of innuendo. I want that to stop. Wether or not under 13 year olds are on forums or not, they still see advertisements.
Another thing about people against skinny pets. Shut up. What kid is gonna look at a skinny fassie with the ribs sticking out and looking all gross, with sad eyes and say 'Oh, that's hawt. I wanna look like that.' Quoted from midkitten: 'The kind that needs psychiatric help.' What about the devil and angel pets? Are you saying it's okay to be a devil, or worship the devil? What if someone doesn't believe in Heaven? What happens with the Angel pets? Emo costumes? Is that poking fun at emo's? What about Christmas Pets? Not everyone celebrates Christmas. You could poke fun at every other costume in some way. Fat pets? You making fun of fat people? Obese? Disgustingly overweight, however you want to put it? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Also, the magical boosters. THEY'RE NOT STEROIDS. Just don't even go there.
It's the internet you guys. It's all pixels. Just chill out and stop acting like a bunch of P.E.T.A hippies.
I hate the lack of rule enforcement around here. People are breaking rules all the time. Just recently I reported someone for writing certain disgusting words, and I didn't see any kind of punishment going on. I still saw 'em posting on forums, mailing, all that. No punishment. WTHeck? Huh?I think that rule breakers should get ONE (1) warning on here. After that, a ban. It's disgusting. You lay down some rules, don't enforce them. Then there's all these unwritten rules most of us don't know about. =/ Really Staff, you're doing a great job as it is, but you could definitely be doing better. Hire more staff, now that Rico and Sirensong are gone. Make Mara even better than -those other petsites-.
'Randomness'. Totally overrated. I've heard someone say randomness is what keeps the world alive. The problem is everyone seems to want to be random. Which is annoying, which makes random overrated. Only the people who are honestly random and just have new quirks at the spur of the moment are truly random.
I cannot stand liars. Just recently I was participating in some sort of contest/chat forum, and I got the answer right after three people before me answered wrongly. The first person to post edited her post and got it right. The maker of the board wouldn't believe me, and the girl who changed her answer wouldn't admit to her fault. She ended up making me look like a loser and me feel really horrible. I now hate that particular member. I hate liars. If you're a liar, go cliff yourself. People should be better than that. Be the bigger person and tell the truth, because the liars might admire that and fess up, or excersise honesty more often.
You know who you are.
Let's move on to the immature people. Say you're in the Entertainment>>Books forum, and you post a few chapters of your latest novel for Mara to critique. Let me drill this into your head: Constructive. Critisism. Say it with me kids: Constructive critisism. You're going to get a few bad reveiws. Learn to take those bad reveiws & ratings and put all that negative energy into making yourself strive to do even better.
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT turn around and say 'well get a life u meani!.' If you thought it was awesome already, why did you need to post it on forums for people to critique? Hmmm? Just learn to take some of the not-so-good ratings and make yourself do better. Don't be rude and immature.
Next, the 'Different Languages' Forum many people want. In the news, at 'Rules about Rules' it says that no part of any rules are up for discussion. You will follow them wether or not you want to. I also read in the rules that we are not supposed to speak in different languages.
Well, as you may not have realized, discussing a 'Different Languages' forum would lead to discussing the rules. Basically saying that the rules should be changed. That's disrespectful to Ian. Ian and his staff work hard to make this site better, and you're over there trying to change rules.
People these days think it's 'in style' to go around bashing people and posting sensual jokes, because they find it funny. That's wrong. And also, I've noticed if a newer member posts one bad thing, Poof, he's gone, if an older member posts something like that a hundred billion times, staff won't bann them. I sense favoratism.
Skimpy outfits?
Fairies who drink and gamble?
I can imagine what's next, and I might actually spontaneously combust if that happens. Ian, you said that this site was supposed to be appropriate for ALL AGES? Since when is that appropriate? The Britney Spears haircut was pretty funny, but the super shortie shorts...? Come on. I am hoping that you are better than that and will realize your mistake. Please fix it. Withdraw all the bad.