My fraands.
16 years, 5 months & 18 days ago
27th Jul 2008 15:33 Don't worry! These aren't in any specific order. I love all my friends equally.
She introduced me to Twilight! Without her I would have probably never considered reading it, and now it's more than half my life!
I've known you since I was 2 years old, and you've always been one of my best friends WAY before marapets. Plus, you were the one that introduced me to the site.
Grekki! I know we lost our friendship for a few months due to you moving schools, but I'm extremely happy that we're friends again. It's great to have you back.
Ello, Jeje! Without you there would be no "J" in J.A.H.L!!! I'm glad to be both your marapal and friend in real life.
Fly on! Lol. I know you just joined Marapets, but I had to add you to my list of friends because you're such a great friend in real life and I couldn't ignore you! And it's fun to roleplay with you, too. Also, without you there would be no "H" in J.A.H.L!
You love Twilight, too! And I've known you on marapets for a long time now. Good luck with your story!
Even though we haven't roleplayed for a while, you were probably one of my favorite people to rp with. We need to start roleplaying again! Maramail me when you're on.
It's been a while since we've talked or roleplayed. We never finished our last roleplay! Maramail me when you're on again. =)