How Foxtail Was Driven Out
16 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
2nd Jul 2008 15:11 Pantherclaw took a step foreward, his claws glinting in the setting sun. "Going to give up yet?" He hissed at Foxtail, who already had a large gash on her shoulder. She herded her 3 kits closer, but one strayed a little too far. There was a flash of claws, and Rabbitkit's squeaks were abruptly cut short. All of the other cats were at the Gathering, so no other cat except for Pantherclaw was there to hear her yowl of anguish. "Run while you still can" He hissed. She hurridly picked up her kits,struggling to carry both of them and ran out of the Thunderclan camp,and into the forest. She stopped at a tree hollow,and crept into the hard, dry hollow. A steady drizzle began to fall, and she licked her kits to give them warmth. Her beautiful emrald geen eyes shone with shock, sadness, rage, and betrayl, she could never return to Thunderclan.
Pantherclaw sneered as he heard the cats returning from the Gathering. He dragged Rabbitkit's body to the middle of camp, and quickly put on a shocked expression. Their leader,Amberstar entered first. He stopped short as he saw the body. "Who did this?" He exclaimed,his voice showing unnamable expressions. Pantherclaw replied,his voice shaking "F-foxtail did.I tried to stop her,but she said an inperfect kit with a stumpy tail didn't deserve to live" He broke into fake sobs. Amberstar went rigid with shock for a second, then murmered "I thought her,above all would not betray me". Foxtail had been his mate,and this was a heavy blow for him. He ran to his den,as the other cats flowed in. Crys of shock and rage rippled across all of Thunderclan as they heard what Pantherclaw had to say.
Meanwhile,Foxtail though miserably about Rabbitkit, and what a warrior he could've been.She nosed her kits, licking the dirt off of their thin fur. One of them,a navy/gray she cat began to mew,confused.She opened her blue eyes andm looked around, wrinkling her nose in distaste at her new surroundings. The other one, Frostkit opened her brown eyes,awakened by her sister Lavanderkit's squeaks. She gave a little jump of surprise,and she too began to mew, her white fur standing up bit. Foxtail purred gently to them, and soon enough they relaxed and suckled themselves to sleep.