My pets

16 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
27th Jun 2008 13:36Titannic- Sponge Kronk Won from Quica!!!
Krisielle- Chocolate Sindi from WonderwherIam!
Casmine- Snow Phanty- Traded with Moggs for Transilvania
Transilvania-Green Oglue-Trade
Wormie- Sketch Poera Won from Micahstars
mopopom- blue phanty given by pushingbuttons
Vivide-Sketch Poera, given by Poetkitty2005, merry Christmas!
Allegation- Black Rusty
Won in a contest by Poetkitty2005!!!!!! Thank you!!
Icemaya-Ice Fairy Fassie

(created for Ice fairy costume)
Natailae-Pixie Fassie

(won a contest)
Rammia-Ice Speiro

Shear_ice-Funky Bolimo

(Saved from the pound as a blue bolimo)
blushea-Armoured Equilor
(Saved from the pound as a yellow jessup) Traded as a host Osafo for Neeay, as a purple leido
doreyta-Halloween Ushunda

(Won In a contest-As is
Given to Hannahfan345)
monchoo-Mummy Daisy
x_Billie_Joe_xx-Given by Funkydud225 as a fairy gonk!
stargirl36-Cheese Fassie
Neeay-Traded for blushea
Stripes_Of_Fun- Traded for stargirl36 and Kammymay
Transilvania-Traded for Stripes_of_Fun and mop
Kellan- Icefairy Rusty traded for Casmine
fasoro_fox- Green Ercuw traded for Shear_ice (potioned to a blue phanty) and Wormie (sketch poera)
Natailae-Pixie fasoro, 12 statted, traded for pink Phanty Myrious
Mirikhan (ghost poera,9 statted, given for birthday) Myrious (PInk Phanty) and Tradeks (Spacefairy Feliz-12 statted) for Ice MOrdo Damiean
Sibigtroth the 31 statted earthfairy renat for Salamancia the pink Kronk, Mirikhan the ghost poera, and HIssersnake, the midnight poera
Hissersnake the midnight poera, Mirikhan the ghost poera, Salamancia the pink Kronk and x_Billie_Joe_xx the statted love grint all for Lejos the Leprechaun Tasi
Placate- Seasonal Phanty given by giving a r/w to a member, traded for Prison Mordo Retision
Retision and Lejos-Green Chibs named Shackle
Shackle the Green Chibs for Nayeilli the Punk Dakota.