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  1. Skirts
    18th Jul 2009 16:24
    15 years, 2 months & 15 days ago
  2. Role Playing
    21st Jun 2008 20:53
    16 years, 3 months & 10 days ago
  3. 2nd Edition- MysticMara
    20th Jun 2008 19:54
    16 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
  4. Dream Pets(trite I know)
    27th Oct 2007 17:47
    16 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
2nd Edition- MysticMara
16 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
20th Jun 2008 19:54


First up, About this blog. It is the new, follow up to the origional blog- MysticMara (Not a club) I ask that EVERYONE who has
that old blog, and sees this, REPLACE it with this one. This blog is the updated, more organized, and broader blog of the two.

Please rid of all first editions. ~Thanks

Now, to stat, What is Mystic Mara? It is a group, not a club, of marapets players about 6 months and up, who remember
how mara used to be. We remember the good mara. Before all of this. Before the glitches, and newbie attacks, and even
before this layout. We remember what mara used to be like, and we want it back! We love mara, but hate the way things are
going! Anyone can be apart of MysticMara, ONLY if you to are against ALL of this, and work to make things better (covered later).

WAIT! (FYI) The REAL definition of a NEWBIE: A newbie no longer means a new player. A newbie is now a horrible person, just
to be honest. A Newbie is someone who has a new sence to pet sites, or any online place. They are ANYONE [regardless of
acount age, pets, or real age] that cannot show respect and descency. It is someone who does not follow rules, does not read
first posts, gives stupid offers, being a know-it-all, is careless, cant punctuate AT ALL, cant read, ignores people, reports every
topic, is a crybaby, ect. If you a little kid....then too bad so sad. Now I know everyone makes mistakes. But the careless, report
happy, give me, royal, spoiled pain in the -you know what- people are Newbies. I HATE THEM. My 7 year old brother is smarter, a better speller, and HE uses punctuation and slight manners!

What has caused this newbie trouble? Overlooking, Overhelping, and Ignorance. First Rule, freebies. DO NOT give new
members free stuff. EXPECIALLY the rare, expencive, or more important things. NEVER give away things like that. Do not give them mp, items, pets, anything. DO NOT feed into begging. This was mistake number one. Make them earn it for themselves.

As they say, feed a stray it comes for more. Also: Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for life.
Second Rule, Giveaways. DO NOT EVER EVER EVER give away really good pets. It you must, have some requirements. You do not want newer members to think that we get our pets by begging, cheating, or doing nothing. Since they dont have to earn them, they are more careless. They start thinking they are all high and mighty. Now, I know your trying to help, but to be honest it wont work. Im not saying stop. I do believe some people still own brains, and use them. Im just saying THINK. Be a little more cautious. I do give-a-way pets occasionally, even LE's, and have applied to some. But Think about who your giving it to. Most of the time the pet winds up with someone who gives it away, pounds it, changes the great cossied le to a blue gonk (etc), and/or gets banned. Slow up on the give-a-ways. WORK. Teach people to fish, dont just get them begging.
Third Rule, Treatment. When a new member or Newbie does something wrong. DO NOT under any circumstance for any reason EVER be mean, rude, or unhelpful. Tell them (super politely) what they are doing wrong AND how to fix it. Dont just come out, "You cant spell! Try to learn to type a little better, so we can understan you. And fix your text!". Studies prove people better respond to positivity (soften the blow! VERY IMPORTANT). Instead, "Yeah, I agree! Nice avie by the way. But, hey, It is a little hard to understand you. Your text is a little too small to read what you are typing. Could you please clear it up? People wont get as mad if you do. You wont get ignored as easily either! Thanks. See you around.". See? Help them. If you do nothing, they wont learn. Then they throw fits. Then you get mad at newbies (you helped create them) and quit.

Here is something that is a super pet peeve of mine. People need to grow up and put a little brain power (I know it may hurt) into names. Players, your usernames are what you are going to be recognised by. Giberish is NOT COOL. Actually, It shows lack of knowlege. And NEVER put your real names in them. Think, do you REALLY want to be known as something like: Joesbutter5543251dog? And dont simply add numbers to a name someone else thought of. That just means your lazy (unless like me you did not try to). My name SilverMoon32 stand for my favorite color (Silver), my favorite time which is night and what I love to look at (Moon) and the age my father was when he died which added together is my favorite number 5 (32). See? I at least had a reason. Think.

EVEN MORE IMPORTANT FOR PETS. When is a 100 statted Angel Chibs worth a green fasoro just created and has nothing? When the fassie has a good name, while the chibs has a name like: PrinceSuesie or jgsajfgasj5236. (Newbs, that was an over exageration). But, you get the point right? No bad names. A bad name is: 1. Anything stupid, or with more than one word (in most cases). 2. Anything with numbers, underscores or other marks. 3. That uses letters as decoration. Examples (In order): SparklePrincesspower is BAD. JonnyJonhead523 is BAD, Crystalize097098 is BAD. XxXMysteryxXx is BAD, WwLaughHeadOffwW is BAD. Good Names have one, rarely two words. (preferable capitalized, FIRST LETTER ONLY. If two words, BOTH MUST BE CAPITOLIZED AND WITHOUT SEPERATION). FinalHour is a good name. Infinity is a good name. Heck, even Three is a good name at this point. For no reson should you EVER make a bad named pet. And NEVER EVER make a bad named pet have a great costume or be LE. THINK! And I repeat: Giberish (random lettering and symbols) is horrible and NOT cool.

Pet prices and value. There is a differance. Prices and Value have gone way up to a point that it's rediculous. Pets are no longer important to many people. Just the profite you can get with them. Pets that have costumes are under valued. Stats are raised too high, and under valued. The value and worth of pets has changed in the worst way possible. Be reasonable. What used to be an Overoffer is now No longer acceptable! And what is a pet worth? It changes for each person. THERE IS NO ACTUAL LIST OF PRICES. Dont you people realize that one, every list is completely different though some are nearly right on, and two, most depends on what people want? And there is no way (that I know of) to calculate exactly what statts are worth.

Also, just because you can get a costume from the portal, or did, does not make a differance. If that cossie is not on ss, in trades, or very comon, then its worth more and vice versa.
For another note, pet prices, costume prices, potions, popular pets, and statting values are changing constantly. The more of that species there are, and the more of the costume, the more popular. That also may mean the less in value. Time changes everything. Some things are an instant hit. Some are when only 1 of 50 maradans own it. Some are always popular (Chibs) and some never will be to most (poera, daisy, newth). You can't figure it out. You cant plan. You cant order them by worth. You cant put permanent, stable, or acurate prices on them. Also, names raise or lower. WHICH books it has read, weapons it has, (etc) affects the value. How many of WHICH stats does it have, and WHAT it has learnd, as well as WHAT ABOUT the job is has or doesnt have affects it. Gestimates are as close as we will ever get, so stop freakin playing high and mighty (points to most older players).

The forums are for chatting, and help. For having fun. The Pets Forum is not just for stupid offers and overpriced pets with bad names. It is a place to talk about the latest pet news, and what has been going on with your pets. Price Check is not (ever) for scamming people. It is for advice on items, gallerys, and even shops. It is for 'Should I use the costume or Sell it?', not just: Tell me what this costs!'. Which, by the way, LOOK AT SS AND TRADES first. IF AND ONLY IF there is nothing in either of those, or if there are LESS THAN 5 trades wich have all different stuff or say nothing, then ask. Dont be lazy. Use the forums correctly! Don't post a topic more than once. (And when you make a trade, think about what it costs and put how much it is worth TO YOU. Most people avoid dealing with trades of no actual wishlist. I DO! And if you must ignore me, then dont you dare complain about them underoffering or call them a newbie. If there is no price tag, then the customer can pay ANYTHING he/she wants to, and it is correct. Its not my fault if you dont care. Its not that hard to at the LEAST say: What it's worth in mp.) And spam is NOT for 50 stupid beauty pagents or what ever your calling them. 1. People dress in what they want, not what you think is best. 2. You are promoting that "hollywood looks" and such are important to other people. Some people dont know better, and you're teaching them wrong.
(On that same note, it is not our fault if your parent lets you at age 7 play on here. They have decided to subject you to anythig there may be, as well as you stealing their credit card and buying stuff. No one cares that your just a kid. No one in thier right mind should pitty you. And I am not sorry for my opinion (dont mail me: "you meany you made me cry!" Ill fall over laughing and block you.)) Chat speak is not cool. If you can't spell, you shouldn't be on Mara. You should be in school. You can read or you couln't do anything. So take one minute to read up on things. At least read the rules of mara! Speak ENGLISH on Forums. Don't be lazy! Use words. Chat Speak should only be used to express emotion. Not to avoid an ounce of Physical "Labor". I do not care if your offended. It is just the trueth you lazies, and trueth hurts. But people, dont freak out over stuff either. I am not exactly the best speller.... I guarantee there are plenty of mistakes in here, and I dont care. (and its not nessesary to use the ' as in many cases it adds those annoying slashes) Im not a very good speller. And keep in ming that where you come from affects this. Im from the parts of US where "yall" is a word and so is "aint". It is, believe it or not, part of who the person is, and part of thier culture. DO NOT PICK ON IT. (if you pick on mine my: >.< will eat you) Chat speak is overly used, and at the wrong timing.

The last thing I can think of, is clubs. Please think (I know, by now all this thinking my make your head swell). And be appropriate. If you see a club about.... lets say dogs, and you LOVE dogs, dont make your own. It is better to join that one. If you dont like some things, or the layout, keep in mind: you may ALWAYS contribute ideas, and the layout can be changed. IF YOU can find one better, sugest it. At least they have one!
DO NOT be so picky with you clubs. If your choosing a club, please remember: One, it is 10x Better to join a club with 2 or 3 members than with 50. Please do not ignore the little guys. if it has 2 members and 3 post, did you ever stop to think, "Hmmm..... maybe the owner of the NEW CLUB that says 'In Construction' is busy and there is no one to talk to....... I do like the idea, and they seem nice...... I want to join to see if I can help them be active! At least till they are on thier feet!"
Also, please realize owning, creating, and operating a club is hard work. Some people actually want clubs. DO NOT post your 100k give-a-way per week, or your LE give-a-ways, etc. That is a cheap blow in the stomache to half the other clubs. And it is wrong. People will only stay for that. All your doing is ignoring the top of this blog! But as I said, IF IT IS ONLY OCCASIONALLY (no more than once every 2 months), then that is ok.
If you do not plan to BE ACTIVE in BOTH CHAT AND CONTESTS, dont join any clubs. I repeat, DONT JOIN. Your taking up space, making the lower posts per member count horrible, and making it difficult for the owner. This is why most clubs dont make it. One last thing: If you are not going on mara for 9 months, quitting for now, permanetly quitting, or never come on the club, TAKE YOURSELF OUT OF IT. I cant tell you how annoying and lazy of you that is. CLIcK THE LEAVE CLUB BUTTON. Seriously!]

A quick note: If you use graphics off the enternet, you may not copyright it. You can not complain when people use that same pic, as long as it isn't what you made exactly. You cant complain for people taking a graphic of yours if it did not have your name on it. If you buy a graphic or layout, you must use it and are under the conditions of the seller, otherwise do not buy. If you made something from scratch (like drew it) then copyright it! Do not steal graphics or codes. DO NOT do it! Dont steal other people's work. Also, if someone uses the same idea as you, or same "form" as you, but did the graphic/coding by themselves, its ok for them to. You can not copyright ideas.

And no one actually takes the time and "grain of sand" of brain power in order to read the rules, or Profiles. Or blogs or siggies. They aren't there just to take space! Learn to respect people! Pay attention! Be Good! This way we can have fun! I have been on many pet sites. You know how they die? Like this. Mara is dieing fast. But we love it, dont we? Save it while it is not too late! Doesn't anyone remember how it used to be? Where is the Mara we know? What is this site becoming? It may be fun now, but after another year or so.....there might be no Mara at this rate. This site used to be for fun. Why have you turned it into a job. An extention to the busybody, wild, careless, and evil world. Please! Put this in your blog saying you are a part of Mystic Mara. Put This same title at the top. But devote yourself to making Mara better for all!

Repost this blog (WITHOUT CHANGING ANYTHING) with the same title. Keep my name on it, so everyone can help me improve, add, or delete parts off this. Stop doing the things I showed as bad, and do what I showed as good. Now, I dont think Im any better. I have just seen all this too much. It used to be common sence, those unwritten rules. Now they are written, and common sence will forever be a case on "Unsolved Mysteries". Spread this to everyone you can. Help everyone you can. And STOPP QUITTING MARA! If you do, get rid of your good stuff, put a bunch of bad named pets into your account, and ask staff to delete it. You may not come back like you plan. Plus, you can only have one account, but If that one is deleted you may make a new one. (For some of you with bad username and pets, this is probably a good idea to do before you get too far in goals and other stuff. You could always make account, keep some good things, get a bunch of the bad pets in your account, and get staff to delete. AND DONT REPORT THOSE! That is helping, NOT hurting)

If you have anything you want to say, have questions/comments, have major corections (not spelling mistakes), anything I should add/delete/change, then please mail me. But read my rules first and be sure to do anything, even complain, in a respectful way. I do not care if you are offended, staff, or Ian. You will follow mara rules, and do not be rude. If something IS offensive, please tell me why. I do not mean to be, and will try to explain how it is not offensive, or I will reword it, or whatever needs to be done (but dont pick at things). Now that this has taken you 3 full days to read, I will tell you my username: SilverMoon32. Dont say this blog is yours, at least for the sake of people that can help me!

For a random piece of off-topic advice: "Make new friends, Keep the old. One is Silver, The others Gold." -Anonymous, I heard it from my mommom (what I call my grandma).

I don't even remember posting this, or the person who originally posted it. Do what you want.
110 years, 3 months & 29 days ago 4th Jun 2014 11:21
I disagree with a lot of the blog due to the nature of this being opinion. I wouldnt care about someone elses pets being named a certain way, i have names for a passed relative and if someone told me i am a bad player for making a momento ((if all i could use was a number or underscore)) than i am not the one whose got issues. There is a tv show called numb3rs and a movie titled se7en. Does that mean theyre bad movies? And a newbie is a NEW player. I think the word this person was looking for is ignorant.

The only things i do agree with is not feeding into things and giving links to guides so people learn and reajust. If people especially young players would not want to reach out for help for fear of backlash.

maybe someone should remake with things that you DO and be positive instead of not this not that.

I dont care if i am not 'cool'.

Sorry for ranting i agree i miss small community but growth is not bad.

110 years, 3 months & 29 days ago 4th Jun 2014 01:29
I know that. I just wanted to tell you.
115 years, 2 months & 13 days ago 20th Jul 2009 15:25
Just because they are banned does not mean this has no value.
115 years, 2 months & 13 days ago 20th Jul 2009 11:34
You know the person who wrote this got banned from Mara right?
115 years, 2 months & 15 days ago 19th Jul 2009 06:31
Many words of wisdom in here that are just so true... so, SO true...

The only thing I don't agree with is the underscore for pet names means it's a bad name. I think it looks better than having two or three words scrunched together with no "spaces" between them. Other than that, I think everything in here was dead on.
115 years, 3 months & 16 days ago 16th Jun 2009 15:01
I like how you call your grandma mommom. =)
115 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 12th May 2009 22:22
Ooh, that's long! lol.
Really good guide, but at the top, what does this have to do with the old mara?

' shorten it and i might read it '
' Who ever wrote this might need to get off the computer more often. '
Agreed... I only read like two paragraphs. Then I got bored.
115 years, 5 months & 30 days ago 3rd Apr 2009 19:45
Full of wise words. It burns! xD

115 years, 6 months & 16 days ago 17th Mar 2009 19:57
Long. Long long long loooooonnngggg. XD. Just like the post below me, I only read a quarter of it. I read it, and my account is new, but I've been on mara for more than two years. DON'T HURT ME!! XD XD XD

Love from,
115 years, 7 months & 12 days ago 19th Feb 2009 11:23
  1. Skirts
    18th Jul 2009 16:24
    15 years, 2 months & 15 days ago
  2. Role Playing
    21st Jun 2008 20:53
    16 years, 3 months & 10 days ago
  3. 2nd Edition- MysticMara
    20th Jun 2008 19:54
    16 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
  4. Dream Pets(trite I know)
    27th Oct 2007 17:47
    16 years, 11 months & 5 days ago