My bestie mara friends!
16 years, 9 months & 6 days ago
10th Apr 2008 09:42 Theese are the greatest people of Mara!( in no order )
Dusty <3 So sweet so kind and a amazing friend - what more can I ask for?
Feeling down you know where to go - straight to CC where you'll find panda! Panda you always have an answer to everything and you are crazy but funny.
Vari you are a true friend always there in CC, Lurking till I call you <3 Just wait till the time comes and I have somthing for you, when it's time.
Oh Xmas! *throws rotten fish at Xmas* You have been the most amazing friend anyone could ever ask for, So sweet and kind and funny too!! But I will always remeber the bad evil twin times <3
Tarq has been a feeling good friend since I first met her in Peas pockets.We both helped each other to get our goals. Thankyou Tarq!
I havn't got to know you much but what I already know is that your a true funny friend!
She has been such a great friend and really kind
She helped me alot with my phanties
The potion and snow costume!
She has been a great help!
You don't meet many people like koko, Shes the best.Very kind,funny and the best of allkind. you can't even think of words to think of koko bacuse she is so good.
oh so nice and friendly and generous!Thats what a true friend is!
Well, Where do I start!?
Mrpea.You are the most incredible person I could think of! So kind.She has been really kind in marabay, doing some things that were so kind and nice that I wouldn't of thought of!!